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Silly As Hell, But I Need To Ask

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I get FedEx packages every three to four weeks. The regular delivery guy is very nice and kind of sexy. He's always been friendly and extremely pleasant, but I have never read anything into it. I figured it was just part of his job.


However, today he brought me my package and I already had the door open, having heard his truck. He came up the stairs, looked right at me and asked, "How did you know it was me?"


I said, "Ummm, I heard your truck." He smiled big.


He handed me his clipboard for my signature and I saw the page had no names on it. I said "Wow, I'm first?" (I know, stupid)


He said, "That's actually my second page for the day...but you're always number one."


Aheh. I signed it and handed it back.


It was raining and cold today and as he turned to leave, he looked back and asked, "You going to stay inside and dry today?". His eyes held mine just a teeny bit too long.


I said, "Yeah, that's the plan."


He smiled and wished me a nice weekend. I told him to have the same. He then went back to his truck and started it, but let it idle for about 10 minutes before taking off.


Over time, this guy has been a bit friendlier every time he stops by and maybe that's all it is, but damn, today...I don't know. LOL.


What do you all think?

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