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Do i cum too quick!!!

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Most guys cum early the first few times they have sex. If you are really worried about it try taking longer to cum when you masturbate, building up your time so to speak. I think there are techniques for this which I am sure some of the male memebers will be willing to share with you.

As for how long sex lasts there really is no set definition. It can last anywhere from a few minutes (aka "a quickie") or up to about two hours I would say. The longest I have ever had a guy last was an hour but I have heard stories of almost two hours. It all depends on how much time you have, how long it has been since you had sex last, how horny you are, and even what positions you are doing (certain positions give the man greater sensations).

Hope this helps!

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are you laying down when you masturbate? If i'm laying down or sitting down i usually cum within 3 minutes. or earlier if i've been looking at a lot of porn before. but if i'm standing up like in the shower... it usually takes me about 10 minutes standing.


what i've been practicing is hitting the peak right before i cum and stop and rest but usually only do that if i'm the only one home and want to keep that feeling.


also, theres whats called PC excersizes (sp?) that are supposed to give you better control of when you cum. i can't seem to find this "PC Muscle" so ive never gave it a try.




another thing, is you'll probably cum first the first couple times you have sex. i'm still a virgin so i'm not really experienced in this field lol. but from what i've heard most first time sex only lasts about 8 minutes. if you cum before this its perfectly normal, people come at diffrent times. Stress, Nervousness, and Shyness all play roles in having sex for the first time. So just enjoy it. don't worry about it and enjoy.

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if i am really focused, i can finish within a minute too, but when i have sex it takes me much longer so don't worry too much. also, when you do decide to have sex, if the girl is a virgin then chances are you will be going to slowly to finish quickly (if at all). the worst thing you can do is stress out about it, it will just make you come more quickly

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another thing, is you'll probably cum first the first couple times you have sex. i'm still a virgin so i'm not really experienced in this field lol. but from what i've heard most first time sex only lasts about 8 minutes. if you cum before this its perfectly normal, people come at diffrent times. Stress, Nervousness, and Shyness all play roles in having sex for the first time. So just enjoy it. don't worry about it and enjoy.




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  • 3 years later...
Most guys cum early the first few times they have sex. If you are really worried about it try taking longer to cum when you masturbate, building up your time so to speak. I think there are techniques for this which I am sure some of the male memebers will be willing to share with you.

As for how long sex lasts there really is no set definition. It can last anywhere from a few minutes (aka "a quickie") or up to about two hours I would say. The longest I have ever had a guy last was an hour but I have heard stories of almost two hours. It all depends on how much time you have, how long it has been since you had sex last, how horny you are, and even what positions you are doing (certain positions give the man greater sensations).

Hope this helps!


Yeah, we'll help ya.


Thing is, I don't really know any techniques per say. I just know that EVERYONE has a quickie the first time. My first lasted all of 5 minutes. BUT I can tell you that time feels shorter when you're having sex (time flies when you're having fun?) so it may have seemed like a minute and really been 5-10 minutes. However, based on my own relationships, since my sexual encounters tend to be lengthy since they are at night and I'm not trying to squeeze it in during the day (no pun intended), I can cum and lay there for a bit and talk, which I find to be quite enjoyable, and wait for the obvious erection that will come within the next half hour from laying with a gorgeous girl. Also, if you feel like you are about to cum, you can slow down or stop for a bit then keep going. Try it while you're masturbating, you'll find you can go a lot longer. My last word of advice is wait until you really know the girl, 6 months to a year, and just have fun. It's not about size, and it's not really about motion. If you really are in love, the sex will be amazing no matter what.



Oh, and I usually have sex for 3-4 hours at a time, but the average is half an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how much time the both of you have.

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