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Starting to think that it's not ever going to happen ...


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Ok, today during lunch I was sitting with a few friends, and the topic was brought up that me and this other guy were at the skating rink last night to scope out chicks and stuff.


Well, as soon as I sat down, this girl I knew asked me if I had received any phone numbers from last night. Apparently, one of the other guys had told her that we were out there last night FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and she just had to ask.


Well, I wouldn't tell her anything about last night.


I told her that "I see a sparkle of optomism in your eye."


Well, she responded by saying that she was "surprised if I got any numbers and that I was a nice guy."


Grrr, I hate being called a nice guy. It's like she was implying that I am too nice to get girls or anything.


Now, I'm just out and out frustrated about this.


If anything this makes me want to turn into a total jerk MORESO and go caveman on every girl in sight.


Who cares what she thinks. I'm just tired of this label. That crap needs to stop.

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Well, ask yourself this; do you really need a girl to be happy with your life?


And yeah, just going caveman style on every girl sounds like a good idea


get a few #'s then weed out the ones that arent interested. Eventually you will find a girl if you keep looking

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