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hey my names stacey from england im 14yrs old and i still havent kissd a boi proparly yet.i have had loads and loads of operatunitys but as soon as i get asked to go out with a boy or pull them i freak out and say no! even knw i really like them it is just because iam rather shy when it comes to stuff like that.i would love to pull this boy that has asked a few times but i keep saying no cos im scared ill mucked up! what should i do?????? luv stacexxxxx

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hiya stace. dont worry yourself. during kissing a guy is supposed to take charge and make it either a full-out snog or just kissing lips but nothing heavy. my best advice would be to try and do exactly what they are doing. if they seem keen on using their tongue,then u do the same. a good kiss would be about 10 seconds of kissing on the lips,then get down to tongues,and change between the 2 every now and then to make it more intersting. JUST RELAX AND REMEMBER THESE GUYS POURING OVER YOU so u just do your thing ok. good luck,hope this was some use to you.

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