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Sore and confused! please help

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A couple of days ago me n my boyfriedn were laid in bed and got a little frisky, he began fingering me (not the first time). Well i kinda dried up when he was inside me, and i became very sore, the thing is tho, 3 days later i am still sore, but it is more of a burning stinging soreness this time and was wondering when will it go away? or will it go away? is it just friction burns maybe or have i developed an infection?


Any information would be much appreciated thank you! xxx

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I would agree, go get checked out. If the pain is persisting and getting worse than it probably is an infection. I got a UTI before from that sort of thing, it sucked. I FINALLY went to the doctor and had to take medication twice a day for seven days.

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I agree, get it checked out. But don't freak out too much. To be honest, he could have simply chaffed you. You know, like when you get your jeans wet and you get that burn on the inside of your legs from the friction. It hurts like crazy for a while, but it goes away. But you should still rule out an infection of some sort.

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