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Which is more important, lives or rights?

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Hey everybody, I have this one big question.


Which is more important? Lives or freedom? I am not talking about the war on Iraq, so don't even go there. I want to know why people can take peoples rights away so that they can be more safe. Is it even right to do so to someone? Because if you think about it, our rights let us be who we want to be, and if someone takes them away, then we cant be what we want. And why bother living if you can never be what you want? Of course, I am talking about what you really want, not some superficial pleasure like being a killer or a prostitute. So the basic question is what is more important? being able to do what we have been guaranteed, or the safety of people?

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double edged sword, but if we were totally free life would be very difficult...It's good to have structure, set up by a sound government that is truly looking out for the people's good...In my opinion the U.S. does (in general, every government has it's flaws of course) this...Canada does well also, I'd love free health care, but the strictness of the gun control would take away my duck hunting.....there are a lot of give an takes in regards to freedoms...I'll wait in line to get on a plane for an hour or two if it means I'm safer, without a doubt....

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