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Knowing if a girl's interested, and asking them out


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How do you know if a girl is single, and if so how can I ask a women out without blowing it? I seem to blow it everytime just talking to them cuz I ended up talking really stupid or about something really dumb. It's come down to where I don't even attempt anymore cuz I get so hopeful that a girl might be interested, and then I tried to whole NC contact approach and they get pissed because I don't respond. Any help all? I wish there was a class on how to make getting women interested in you easier, cuz I just feel like there's not hope for me.](*,)

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How do you know if a girl is single, and if so how can I ask a women out without blowing it? I seem to blow it everytime just talking to them cuz I ended up talking really stupid or about something really dumb. It's come down to where I don't even attempt anymore cuz I get so hopeful that a girl might be interested, and then I tried to whole NC contact approach and they get pissed because I don't respond. Any help all? I wish there was a class on how to make getting women interested in you easier, cuz I just feel like there's not hope for me.](*,)


Wait, why would you use the NC approach? Sorry it just doesn't make sense to go avoiding someone you want to get interested in you.


You won't always be able to tell if a girl is single by looking at her. If she has a guy wrapped around her arm or kisses him in public then obviously she's not. But otherwise you'd have to have to talk with her and casually bring it up.


As for not blowing it, you can only get better through practice. There's no shortcuts when learning how to talk to women.

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How do you know if a girl is single, and if so how can I ask a women out without blowing it? I seem to blow it everytime just talking to them cuz I ended up talking really stupid or about something really dumb. It's come down to where I don't even attempt anymore cuz I get so hopeful that a girl might be interested, and then I tried to whole NC contact approach and they get pissed because I don't respond. Any help all? I wish there was a class on how to make getting women interested in you easier, cuz I just feel like there's not hope for me.](*,)


Dude, its called learning from your mistakes. Going by your post, it seems you haven't learnt a damn thing if you keep making the same mistakes over and over again.


You say you blow it everytime you talk to a girl? Reflect - what exactly do you guys talk about? Do you do ALL the talking?


Believe it or not there is classes that exist in for the single man, and there's plenty of books out there on that very subject matter. Go get one and learn, learn, learn!


Also you've gotta get out there and practice. Talk to each woman as if your training yourself to be better. It comes easier with each approach.


Most women are up front if they're taken. They usually mention it in passing. But i did meet a girl once who i got to know over a two week span and thought she was great, so i asked her out. Only then she tells me about a boyfriend. After two weeks! She even showed me pictures!


Good luck with it all!

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I used NC when first gettng to know her so I could find out if she really had any interest in me. I just can't believe that I can't find one single girl out there. I must be really that bad during the approachment.


You're supposed to use no contact to make a girl miss you when you've known her for a while. She can't miss you if she doesn't even know you. Have you asked anyone out on a date or you just take their number and not call them?

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I have recently asked a girl out, but we've bearely done anything in the last month, and then last week she said that she was sorry, because she doesn't know what she wants. She hasn't responded since that. So i'm guessing I struck out again and i'm getting pissed. Everytime I try i'm shot down.

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