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Q for the ladies.

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Yeah, I can promise you that most women find that a turn-off, because it translates into ego, which we can't stand. Granted, there are some that might find it appealing and see it as confidence, but most just see it as a guy showing off or just being a jerk in general.......lol



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Well, if you think you are God, yep, that's cocky.


If you don't learn to be humble now, there will be a hard lesson in the future.


It's good that you ask this question here. I'm glad you are open to feedback.


And yes, ladies find it very annoying. It makes a man look insecure. To tell you the absolute truth, women are very likely to gossip about a cocky man in order to warn other ladies. They are likely to laugh about him behind his back.

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Well if anyone thinks I'm insecure I really don't mind. In fact it might look as if I have more to me than there really is. However, I'm sorry but I love being me. I wouldn't change it for the world. The "I am God" at the bottom simply states that I am the voice of my own God, for you see, I don't believe in a higher power like most.



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