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Just got her#&want to call,but dont knw what to talk abo

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I'v been talking to her for almost 2 months now. She gave me her phone number when I asked her to sign my yearbook. I kinda like her and want to call her, but I don't want to sound stupid and make a bad impression because im not sure what to talk about. I have her for eng.class. Maybe I know what to talk about, but just making it hard for myself.


Help please

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Maybe start by calling her for a specific reason - like the homework for that day or you fell asleep and didnt get the notes. Then after she helps you out, go on to talk about your teacher or people in your class. Or..if she isnt in one of your classes find SOME exuse for calling her. i think that once you get started talking to her you could find yourself talking to her for hours and opening up a lot more.

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I think it would be a better idea to approach her in person first rather than over the phone. Phone conversations can be hard to carry on when you hardly know the person and awkward silences will drive you NUTS. Instead, go up to her in school and ask her about her plans for the summer, or whether or not she got her prom dress yet, just plain old casual talk. If all goes well, great, you'll feel much more comfortable calling her and she won't be as surprised to hear from you. However, if things seem to be taking a turn for the worst, just say you gotta go talk to a teacher or find a friend or something and smile and walk away.

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I personally HATE telephone calls unless its just to ask if they want to get together... there is no eye contact or flirting really or anything in a phone conversation. It's not as fun to talk to her if it's not in person... plus it's WAY harder to work your charm on her on the telephone...


Just what i think... Do what you feel is best

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