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Nightmare/Missing Lover


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Your touch, your taste


I can't escape them


You won't escape


The life you made



Now, in your dreams


I'll be the nightmare


Alone I'll sit there


Not unlike


The living dead



Stop killing me


Or, if you must,


Kill and let me die


Don't make me live


For your sick pleasure


Just leave me where I lie



Now, in your dreams


I'll be the nightmare


Alone I'll sit there


Not unlike


The living dead



I said goodbye


For there I died


You touched my heart


You gave me life


A life I can't escape



But the same life you gave


You took away


And now it kills me


Oh, how you've killed me


Just leave me where I lay



Now, in your dreams


I'll be the nightmare


Alone I'll sit there


Not unlike


The living dead





I'd love feedback... thanks

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that...is a good poem. it's incredibly well expressed and it draws you in. what i love about it is that it's not just some generic poem about death or love or hate or puppy dogs and sailboats...it's about love AND hate and death and depression and... it's slightly creepy and a little spine-tingling. anyway, it's great, keep writing

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