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On A Break . . . PLEASE HELP ME !!

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hey, i really need advice, we and my g/f are/was in a very serious relasionship, but recently it has become very boring together , my g.f has now decided that we are on a break, i did not want this but i had 2 accept it, how can i make sure that i don't loose her? I cudn't bare 2 loose her, she means the world 2 me. . . please help me . . .

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well it is a good thing that you accepted her needs and didn't try to force her to not take a break. you could wait a little bit and tell her how you feel, tell her what you told us, that you didn't want to take the break but you did any way, how you love her and don't wanna lose her and so on. i mean if she feels the same then it will all work out, but there isn't a for sure way of not losing her, shes her own person and we can't make anyone love us.

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I agree with cutie and im glad to see that you are giving the time and space she needs and you are accepting this,It's so hard to do that when you care for someone so much and it hurts throughout the process,Give her time and if you dont you will push her away,If you dont want to lose her and you do get a chance to talk to her on nice terms slowly tell her how you feel but dont be pushy or overboard she knows you care about her,Take things slow stay strong and dont push her away try to give her the time she needs as hard as it is

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thanks 4 ur advice, but its so hard 2 stay away, how can i keep myself from talkin 2 her? its just so hard, ive talked 2 her a few times, we had a really good conversation last night, not about us at all, just like hows things? wht u bin up2? shall i carry on talkin 2 her like this? or just completely leave her alone? im just scared if i do leave her alone tht she may no longer think i care its so awkward 2 deal with

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Date other girls.


I agree that you need to give her space, since she asked for it. Chances are this was her way of starting to break up with you. That does not mean pining for her while she figures things out. Who knows, you might meet a new friend, a new g/f, whatever.


I am supressing my cynical urge to say that given your mutual ages, it is somewhat likely that she is either seeing someone new already (or is open to it) or just doesn't want to be in a relationship.

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