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Two Problems; Distance and age.

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Hi ashcorey,


I'd advise meeting up as friends, if deep down you really want to meet up. I'd advise more like having a pen-pal come visit, so you would have to involve your parents. The reason I suggest this, is you're 14, and she's going on to college soon, so she's more like 17 going on 18 ? I feel like a gap in that phase of your life is too big. You could have a bit of a sticky situation further down the track if you don't put things in perspective. I don't mean to say you can't fall in love at your age, people can't help their feelings most times, but do keep yours in perspective 'cos right now is the time for you to make friends, get a feel of the sort of people you like to hang out with, who are good for you etc, instead of getting serious on one. I don't want to sound condescending, but I feel you will have a better deal hanging out as friends. You can always wait til she has settled into college life, then have a chat with your parents that you have a friend whom you would like to come visit.


If you don't really want to meet up, then don't. Keep the chat going as you have, or perhaps ease off a little. Soon she will be going to college meeting people her own age, and she will get caught up in college life, so keep that in mind, too.

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Hi again,


(I replied earlier based on your first post, and saw the others after I was done.)


So you are feeling the pressure. Don't cave in. If you would rather not involve your parents, then involve your friends. Make it like a group situation rather than one-on-one esp if you feel you can't trust your reactions if you're alone with her. If that's not feasible, and it has to be just you and her, choose a venue that wouldn't really be conducive to doing intimate stuff. Meet at a mall for eg. hang out at the mall, and say goodbye at the mall. Don't be all alone with her in a quiet place. However before you meet her, ease off on the love bit online. Tell her your concerns, that you really like her, but you'd like it to be a bit more casual, get to know her as a friend in person.


It may be difficult since you've already gone further than friends online, but you still have the opportunity to start on a different footing as you have yet to meet in person. Use that to steer things in a different direction. Since you are not ready, don't force yourself to be. Only thing you can do is explain to her how you feel and that it's not a rejection. But don't give in to the pressure just to make her happy, if it's not right for you.

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