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you look at me and say goodbye

but i dont want you to go

i want to stay here with you

your my lifeline

your me soulmate

your my kissmet

and i need you so...

so much that it hurts me inside

to look at you when you say goodbye

those immortal words that mean nothing to you

but everything to me

they slip off your tongue

like rain off an umbrella

they wont leave me alone though.


please come back to me

dont leave me this way

dont walk away from me

dont turn your back on me

i just want to say


Catie xxx

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thanks people. i dont know if you can tell but it was written so it would reflect on 3 levels. one was a breakup. two was a relationship that i want to heppen and three is the fact that i have just finished my last day of my last year of school ever and im gonna miss my mates soooooooooo much and im soooooooo scared of the big bad world outside of school.

youd have to know me personally for this but can you see it now?

let me know please

Catie xxx

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