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Is it wrong to ask this question to her? and my plan is...


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Well theres a girl in college i really really like. and shes in my class I always liked her but the problem was she had a boyfriend at the time.I talk to her occationally ,....Well her boyfriend dumped her for someone else and now shes free . I let her be.. to gather her thoughts for a couple of weeks now and it seems thats shes letting go b/c shes happy and jumpy again. My plan is to tell her how i feel (i seem to get mixed singals from her hopefully this will get it straight) when i can talk to her alone.Is it wrong after to say "Am i wasting my time"?will that like scare her away or something if she does like me but trying to let it out slowly cuz thats how some people just are.


Is my plan and question appropreiate or wrong?

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I would definitely say go ahead and approach her....it is good that you had the sense to wait a few weeks until she seems to be getting over her ex. But don't be surprised if she is not completely over him yet, depending on the length and nature of the relationship, it can take a while, especially when you are dumped for someone else. And, even if she is over it enough to consider getting involved with someone else, that does not necessarily mean that she is completely over it on all levels. I don't know if that made any sense, but trust me, I'm speaking from recent experience--that was four months ago, NOT a serious relationship, and I'm still smarting a little even though I have dated other people since. Anyway, I think it is good to approach her, but asking "Am I wasting my time?" seems a little direct--if I was her, I think I might be scared off. Instead, try talking to her, flirting with her, and if you feel you are getting positive signals from her, simply ask if she'd like to get together sometime. If she accepts, it seems like she's interested, and then you two will have more time to get to know each other and find out if it could really work out between the two of you, one on one. Good luck!

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It sounds like you already know this girl at least a little bit, so walking up and talking to her shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, if you're nervous about rejection or worried that it will be really awkward if she doesn't agree to a date/giving out her number, you can just start a converstaion with her and then sort of jokingly drop something in there about her number. I can't think of an exact line right now, maybe others can help you with that, but do you know what I mean? Make a joke about it, so that she knows the suggestion is out there and can respond by giving you her number, but if she just brushes it off as a joke, she has shown she is probably not interested, but you are left with a not quite so uncomfortable situation.

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theres a problem now for me.......

shes starting to hang out with this other guy alot lately but i still see soemthing different in her eyes that she doesnt give to other guy friends,How do i ask her about that?

i would talk to her but its really hard to find her byherself and i dont want any of her/my friends to know b/c we know alot of the same people


oh thankz for ur replies helps me out

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