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Favourite date ideas

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Well, it depends, early when I would be dating someone I would go to places to allow for a lot of fun. Places to relax and enjoy each other. Places when something would occupy the the quiet times when you didn't know what to say to each other.


I used to go outside concerts that were free. Didn't have to be even music you liked. Just spread a blanket, have some wine and some brie....then good times would flow. Do social things where there are other people around are great. Gives you something to talk about.


Taking someone to a place they both of you have never been is great also. Gives you something again to talk about. Stay away from loud bars...in the beginning, can't talk and everyone is trying to look cool.....LOL

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I always like going out to see music when people take me on dates. It's an easy way to break the ice, and if you don't feel like talking you don't have to. It might make the other person more laid back and so you can see how they really are. Maybe there is an art exhibit you can go to that is fun- like here in town every first Friday of the month we have an art exhibit and everyone is there- just out in the streets having a great time. It's very laid back!

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I have always held this tradition with every girl i go out with to take them to cinema, then pizza hut, and then by the time its deep into the night, into the town square where we'd sit on the benches and talk. That would happen on the third or second date.


I have to be a hypocrite now and warn against taking your dates to cinemas and restuarants on a first date, because at the cinema you won't get the chance to talk much, and it can be very awkward eating and talking at a restuarant (especially when its pizza!). Its also very unoriginal and predictable.


It being a date and me trying to make an impression on her especially if its first impressions, i would take her some where where i would recognise quite a number of friends and people. The advantage here is that you would immediately look popular, desirable and secure in her eyes. I would also have done my homework and had an idea whether she likes the peaceful and quiet, or the busy city night life, music and concerts etc. From those first two points i would decide where an appropriate place would be for both me and her.


Pubs/bars are a no-no like Rangoo metioned, because it is too loud and can do some damage, but if i knew a lot of people there, i would make sure i at least walk past it once.


On a side note, I would always arrive ON TIME (punctual), and with something to do to look busy. First dates are usually restricted to only an hour long for me, but i make sure that in that hour the impression is huge.

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My first date i went to the cinema and we had a blast because we were pretty good friends beforehand. Its not as awkward, i think, if you have a base friendship first keep that in mind.


Personally my favorite and easiest date is to take them out to a nice resturaunt for dinner, go to the mall or watch a movie, then meet up with some people, maybe at your house.


Oh yeah, I'm 17, so this probably doesnt apply too well for the adults. But adolescents, try it!

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