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Good lookin girls, but with a mini mustache !? UGH.

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Okay well, Why alot of girls these day have a mustache !? Well the mustache is hardly noticeable from a distance, but when your talkin to them face to face you can notice this. Wow this is really umm, embarrassin at a point dont you think? And of course I dont want to ask them why you have a mini mustache that hardly noticeable, that would be very rude and embarrass them to the max, where they'll never talk to you again. Do anyone else notice about this besides me? Maybe the girls they dont notice it? But the answer is why do they have it? since they dont have hairy legs, or arm pits and is a good looking girl.

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I wouldnt say a lot of them do. Its usually girls with darker skin/hair who sometimes have the problem of getting a bit of a tache.


The women would all hav hairy legs and armpits if they didnt shave them. The problem is if a woman started shaving her face she would get a stubble and it would grow denser and quicker.


If a woman feels too uncomfortable with it, she can hav electrolosis to hav the hairs removed.

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Yeah, LOTS of ladies have a problem with facial hair. In fact, we ALL have facial hair...it's just darker / thicker on some of us than others. If it bothers the woman enough, she may use some kind of facial hair remover or something to take it off. (I use a cream on my face specifically for that reason.)


And, as for us not having hairy legs and armpits, that's because we shave them just like you guys shave your faces! (As someone else said, we can't shave our faces because it would make things worse.)

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Every single woman has hair on her upper lip. For most caucasian women, it is very, very fine and blonde, so that you can't really see it (in fact, women have very fine hair all over their face).


But yeah - women with darker hair and skin tones can have darker hair on their upper lip. It's no reason to be embarrassed, especially since there are heaps of products like bleach which can hide it. You'd be surprised how many women tend to their facial hair!


Just be sensitive about it - NEVER refer to it as a 'moustache' in front of the woman. In fact, don't even refer to it. It'd be like drawing attention to a guy's shortness or high-pitched voice - not very nice

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It's a personal thing, I guess. I don't like hair on a girl's upper lip, but I love that soft blondish down that some women have on their jaws. (Not their chins, their jaws!) I hate it hate it hate it when girls pluck their eyebrows so thin that they almost disappear and when whatever hair is left looks as if it was drawn on with a pencil. Ugh to that. I like real eyebrows. I also think large noses can be sexy, and glasses, definitely glasses. Girls, throw your contacts away! There's nothing sexier than the right pair of lenses on the right face.


Now, what do girls think of facial hair on guys?

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