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Hey girls please help!!!!

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hey and welcome to enotalone,

well when a girl is interested in a guy she would usually gain eye contact with them and try to keep it. other things may be like touching a guys arm or chest, that kinda thing or smiling and playing with their hair is another good indication


hope this help

~LJ =;

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hey and welcome to enotalone,

well when a girl is interested in a guy she would usually gain eye contact with them and try to keep it. other things may be like touching a guys arm or chest, that kinda thing or smiling and playing with their hair is another good indication


hope this help

~LJ =;


Umm, in some cases if she really does like you, when you make eye contact, her eyes will look sort of sparkly-happy, some people claim that the eyes are a window into someone's soul, you can tell a lot of how someone is feeling by reading their eyes, remember that you can tell when people are lying, making something up by just their eye movement


This girl at work I fancy gives me that look and I am 99.9% convinced that she fancies me as well, dont ask her out because she has a boyfriend at the moment, well actually I have asked her out and she has said yes but I dont want to get involved if shes seeing someone else. Shes 19 and has been with him since she was 13, so I assume shes getting bored or something.


But that eye contact is there, she always looks at me and smiles, she doesnt mind when I get too close to her, I been as close as actually cuddling with her in the office (literally cheek to cheek) when I was meant to be checking something on her computer, she didnt back away and we had intense eye contact even though our eyes were like 4cms apart and since last week she started touching my arm and stuff and asking me to come to her desk for stupid things, not that I mind though, lol


Shame she has a boyfriend though

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  • 4 weeks later...

heya, when i fancy a guy i gain eyecontact with him, and go all shy around him and yeh try to touch his hands, well thats not wot she sed but hey, i would flirt depending on how much i fancied them and if i ever saw him looking at me i would turn away too keep them coming in a way but to make them unsure. its a real winner, also try and show of get her attention but not in a prickish way ever so slightly and make eye contact with her if she doesnt respond then she's probally got someone else on her mind sorry, like the faces

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