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Idea for meeting girl, too corny?

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Just have a question for all you young ladies out there. I live in a beach town and in another month there will be thousands of beautiful girls walking around here.


I was thinking of buying some flowers individually wrapped, driving around until I see a few nice looking ladies, walk up to them, introduce myself, tell them they are beautiful and give them a flower. Then depending on their reaction take things from there. Sound too desperate? I'm not really desperate, I just thought it would be really different. I guess the success of this would rely on my appearance and how I handle things. Yay or nay on the cornometer?

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well it's just me, but i would think you were being too desperate. It is too planned and insincere. when you buy flowers for someone, it is planned specifically for that person, with them in mind. well, you ahve no particular person in mind, so i wouldn't feel too speical. i'd think, well ithe flowers could've been for any other pretty face. when you do this, it loses it's meaning.


but hey, it's up to you. some women would probably fawn over that stuff. this is only my opinion, but maybe if you spot a girl that you like, talk to the girl first, then pick a flower at that moment for her and put it in her hair, maybe that would work. but you have to be sincere, with no alterior motives. women can pick up on that. and please, no "hey baby" lines. with me- a combination of confidence and shyness is attractive. whatever you do may work on one and not another.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, you don't have anything to lose, do you? For example, just say you go up to this one particular girl and give her the flower - even if she thinks you're a complete weirdo, you haven't lost anything, because if you hadn't gone up to her you probably never would have seen her again anyway.


Just make sure you don't invade anyone's personal space by touching them too much out of the blue. I'd hand the girls a flower, rather than put it in their hair (I'm not sure I'd like a total stranger jumping out of nowhere and making contact with my head area )

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yesh, i'd agree. the flower in the hair is probably too much invasion of personal space. i take the suggestion back- that's probably even more corny. just be yourself, try not to be superficial and girls will appreicate that much mroe than fabricating some pick-up lines. Just be honest if you see a girl you like. Every girl is different and will respond ot different things. Just be confident without trying to prove anything. Confidence not cockiness.

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