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Help on flirting

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The guy i like seems to flirt with me a lot, but when i try to flirt with him back he gets mad, but he will just continue to flirt with me.


Also, sometimes he lets me flirt with him, and i need help thinking of things he would like if i did, and not push me away.

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Well, are you sure he's actually flirting and not just being friendly? It could be that his intentions are being mistaken, and that he's not looking for a relationship or dating at the moment. (Not to sound harsh, I apologize.) What does he do to flirt?


Secondly, if you're sure he's flirting but he's giving the mixed signals, just keep your cool. Be friendly, but keep some distance there so he knows you're not falling over yourself in the attempt to win him over. That might be the kick he needs to get him to stop waffling and either state his intentions or back off!




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