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How do I get her to talk?

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Okay, so here's the deal. If you read my past threads from October or so (yes a long time, I know) you'll know that I like this girl, who I have trouble making conversation with. I'm still pretty shy about going up to her in person, but that's not what I need help with. I talk to her sometimes in person, but mostly online. Usually our conversations are short. Now, I can start conversations, but they don't really flow. They just sort of consist of me asking her questions and her answering them, and throwing in the occasional "you?" but they are pretty one-sided. She doesn't really talk back. Is there anything I can do or say to make her feel more comfortable with talking to me? Please help.

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i think that you need to find something that she is interested in and talk about that to her other wise your conversations are going to be preety one sided. You also need to talk about something that you both enjoy and use that as a conversation starter and then build on the chats from there.

Find out from her friends what she likes or even from herself when you have one of your conversations (its easier to ask online)

Then just one day approach her and deal with the pleasantries like hi how are you and things like that and then launch into the conversation about what she likes and you have done some research on (if you dont know what shes on about) or the topic that you both find interesting.

Hope that this helps you

Let me know how it went



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i agree with lil_unique_me, find something she is interested in and talk about that, but make sure ur interested too otherwise you may get bored. also asker her questions which are open so she has to expand and not only give you a one word answer.


maybe that would work.

hope this helps

~LJ =;

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i wouldnt ask the question as a full question if you knwo what i mean like 'what are you interested in' because you are likely to only get a few answes and you might not be able to span off what she has said so i would ask questions like 'what kind of music do you like' or something along those lines. then maybe you could go from there and expand on what she has said and ask which was her fav song from that group. it should come to you as you get into the convo.


hope this helps

~LJ =;

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