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Hey im 17 years old and i want to know how much is to much masterbaing. this question it for you girls, how many times do you like your man masterbating, as much as he wants a few times or never leave it up 2 you. and is to much masterbating bad for you?????


thank you

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i dont really mind if they do or not..its there personal space if they are..he usual left it up to me in that department lol. but he would once in a while on the phone with me ... n masturbation is completely normal and its in Our nature..female and male..so dont be ashamed..

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Woa, I hope you're kidding about that raw flesh thing. Personally, I don't really mind that my boyfriend masturbates, it's not as if he's obsessed with it. But then again, a couple of times I know he's done it three times in a day, which I think is WAY too much. I don't believe in masturbation myself, I've never tried it and don't plan to, so I can't see why a person would bother to waste their time doing it so much. Twice or three times a week sounds like more than enough to me, but then again, males have hormones up to here *Points to above head*

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