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i dont know if i could read someones diary, i guess its because i used to have my own and i guess thats why i feel like this. i know that people have read things that are important to me before and it wasnt a great feeling to have.


maybe if i was desperate but i dont see a high percentage of me going out there and doing it.


isnt reading someones diary just the same as taking someones phone reading messages, or hacking into accounts? its all invading someones privacy.


but dont worry i understand that you feel ashamed, i guess you acted on impulse.



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Hello there.


This is a tough one. and i have felt similar in the past.


I am not going to tell you not to read it,because ive no doubt that you will do what you think is best,but all i will say is that you have to be prepared for the consequences of snooping and for whatever you might read.


Someone wise had told me once that when you are in this sort of situation and you go ahead and read whatever it is you are reading (emails,letters etc) then it is probably likely you will find something a little suspicious.Suspiscious to YOU that is,because if you have these insecurities anyway then you will be expecting to find something to question about your girlfriends feelings towards you. And i expect that even the slightest hint of anything you consider bad will set you off.


i personally think that yes,you probably would find out the truth(somewhat) but usually girls will only write in their diary if something bad is happening,or if they feel they just need to vent. Anyway,who's to say she would write down her exact feelings there anyway?


I think you should chill a bit,i know you are desperate to know,but i think if there really is problems then they will come to the surface on their own,but dont lower yourself to searching through her stuff for your answers. Ask instead,and whatever she says,take at face value.You have to trust what she says as being the truth for now.


Good luck.

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thanks for the replies, I guess curiosity killed the cat didn't it? I don't want to read the thing anymore because I got so upset before but it's so easy to just pick it up and read it but I REALLY don't want to. what should I do when I get this feeling? I know it sounds so stupid and simple but it's not when you know all the answers are maybe there in those pages

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you just have to accept that you are having those feelings and ignore them.Doesnt she hide her diary anyway? i can sort of understand if she leaves it lying around,but if she does hide it then you have to understand that you are going out of your way to invade her privacy.you are obviously insecure about things,but why dont you just ask her instead? if you really want to go ahead and read it then do it,but i can tell you from experiance you will feel no sense of relief at all,you will just move on to something else to be worried about since you clearly have convinced yourself there is stuff in her diary you think you should know about.


and if you found something else that annoyed you even more would you tell her? you risk losing her either way here.you snoop and find something bad,and you could either- a) keep it to yourself and it will eat away at you and destroy any trust you have for her or - b) you tell her you read her diary and you risk her finishing with you for invading her privacy.


up to you.

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I've read my sibling's diaries on occasion, but have often stopped because of guilt.


From my experience, since I own a diary myself, you cannot really tell what a person thinks about you through paper. When I get angry, I write down things I don't mean, and end up feeling sorry about it later.


It's okay, dude. As long as you don't let the diary entries affect your judgement of the person, everything should be fine...

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