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What are the biggest life lessons you've learnt in your life thus far?


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I think for me the biggest lesson is that one gets what they give. I suppose lately I've realized that past problems I've had resulted from not putting enough into life.


Another thing is that total certainty in life doesn't exist. Realizing that has made me think I should not take things for granted and always expect the unexpected.


What about you? What life lessons have you learnt in your life up to now?


The biggest lesson I have learned is hard to explain. Basically most people are bad they'd, steal your house and rape your wife and daughters if they could, then turn the entire family over into slavery, if they could.


But there are some good people and life is a matter of finding those people, and bringing them close to you so that as a group you can combat the evil..


I guess.... its really a work in progress.

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JenniferSNJ is right on this one: "--> everything happens for a reason and always for the better."

And here's a perfect example of that. I applied for a job with a big dept store. They had you fill out an application online in their office. I was told there were lots of job openings at that store and to come back in for an interview.

I went to said interview and felt for sure I'd have a job by end of the week or week after, as that was when the interviewer said they had job training classes. He sounded like he really liked me and made me feel certain they would hire me.


Well, a couple of days later, I get this call left on my message machine.. "You did not get the job you applied for. There were not any job openings."

What the flip??? If there were not any job openings, then why tell me so? I called back today and just asked if they had any at their sister store accross town. Same store, same name, just different branch..

"Oh, they may have" the interviewer told me and gave me 2 names to ask for. Tell them that I told you to call. I called them, they insisted I had to come in and do the interview and application process ALL OVER AGAIN!

Listen.. after having the first guy waste 3 hours of my time, not to mention several gallons of gas.. I preferred to be able to just have them send over my application form, not to mention the fact they insisted on pulling a credit check on my first application. I sure didn't want them to do that again, as that messes up your credit and my car is old....

If I cannot get a job, I sure as heck won't be able to get a loan.

So.. I called back to the interview I saw last week and asked if it were possible to just come in and pick up a copy of the application I filled out. I know he had a hard copy cuz he showed it to me last week... Nope, he says, you MUST fill out an applicaiton again, that's how it works!

Whoa.. I'm thinking.. this is B.s.... first he claims there are all these job opening, now he tells me he's got none. Look, if you didn't want to hire me, just say so.. don't lie..

Well, i'm really annoyed by now, but say nothing. I told him, well, it told me a long time to fill out that application and if they don't really have jobs there for me (as you didn't mind pulling the wool over my eyes, I am thinking) then I cannot afford to spend extra time filling one out as I can go apply somewhere else, as I really need a job.

I was honest and polite about it, and told him I really need a job, but to take up time to fill out appliations when there was one already filled out at his store, seemed to be a lot of time spent needlessly.

Instead of agreeing to help me out by giving me the copy of the application, he just said to me." well, I don't think you are a good fit anyway" in this really snippy voice.

Which was very strange, cuz he had just finished telling me before when I called that he thought I was very "nice".

well, I'm so mad now. I'm fixing to go online and get a hold of the corporate office and tell them that not only had they better not pull any credit checks on me, but I will NOT be shopping at their dept store ever again! I had been a customer for years and know I had spent hundreds of dollars at their store previously!

Well, what do I find out when I go online to get their corporate address?? a report from a security guard who worked for that very dept store (diffo location) that he had seen a popular employee giving out sweetheart deals to customers.. i.e. not charging them the full amount of the merchandise..and this went on for months!

And they terminated that security guard! Well, my god, if that is what that company is like to work for, then I'm darn glad i didn't get hired by them. They are honoring thieves at their store, then I'm not going to work there period!

Anway.. sorry, didn't mean to hijack your post or anything, but it just proves what JenniferSNJ said.. things turn out so, for a reason...

whew.. thanks for letting me vent... I feel better now!

BTW, I got the URL if you are curious... gosh, these corporations... is no one honest anymore??

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