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Xmas Question


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Hello all, it's your old pal ilovethatgirl back with yet MORE questions.


So the girl I like (most of you know the one I mean, the Gr9), when I asked what she wanted for Xmas, said I really didn't have to and that she wasn't comfortable with people buying her things. Soooo I have a few options available to me, and I need to know which course of action I should follow:


1) Get her something anyways


2) Get her something small (just for an example, chocolate)


3) Don't get her anything


Soooo... thoughts?

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If you get her something, she'll just feel bad because she didn't get you anything and thus if you give her something - it won't really make much of a difference of her opinion of you, nor is it likely to make her very happy.


If I were in your position - I'd get her some chocolates or something to give her only if she gives you something first. If she doesn't - you got some comfort-chocolates to give yourself for christmas




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I say get her chocolates or something small. I tell people all the time not to get me anything. If someone got me a big present after I told them that, I wouldn't be mad at them, but it would put me in an awkquard situation because I would feel needed to get them something back. If they got me nothing, no harm done, yet, if I told someone to not get me anything and they got me chocolate, a homemade gift, or something under about $8, it would be nice and wouldn't feel "required" to get them something, because it would be small enough to really count as a major present.

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if you think she is being honest, dont get her anything. i am the same way. i dont feel comfortable accepting gifts and i would def not want me new bf to spend any money on me or go out of his way. if you feel weird about getting her nothing, buy a card and write something sweet in it!

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