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how to stop being awkward towards eachother?

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hey.there was this girl i liked who was friends wit me in the first place.i had just come out of a relationship when i realised how i felt about her and she found out that i liked her.i wasnt really in any shape of mind to ask her out or even flirt.anyway..she told me tht she didnt fancy me and that we should stay friends.then was after we had gone bowling wit friends and i didnt make any sort of move or even any conversation because i was lacking confidence after my last relationship.


anyway...at bowling,she met this guy and got his phone number.i was really upset altho she did nothing wrong because she was still single.this guy and her are now going out and im kinda upset by it all.


she said to me tht im not her type.i can accept that she dont fancy me but it still really hurts that she going out with this guy.now even tho we still talk online and meet up,things are very awkward between us.last nite,i went to the local shopping centre to meet up with my friends.she was there also.she told me earlier that she didnt take her bf with her because she thought it would be harsh on me.i later discover that the bf had bowling.


i think it was her presense that made me feel awkward.i didnt say much at all last nite.im not normally loud or over talkitive bt i do make conversation but last nite,i didnt have any confidence to talk to anyone.inc da girl i liked.


im not sure how to get rid of this awkwardness between us.i just want things to go back da way it was before with us being friends and talking like usual.

should i distance myself for a while from her until im ready or do you have any other suggestions?

soz for the length...but this would help me alot to move on with my life.hope you can help.thx.

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yes, I would say a bit of distance will help you think and see a much clearer perspective of your friendship with her. When ppl let us know that they want to be just friends, its a strong indicator that they are not as into you as you are into them., but we just want to pursue the love we feel, and try to make it surface into reality. This is the worst thing we can do to ourselves, by fighting against the grains...and wind up hurt when it could have been avoided by taking a step back b4 getting ourselves in heart throbbing trouble...





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