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Maybe it's not about lowering your standards, its thinking of how you are going to feel about it. And one of the other things, is are you going to have the respect for the girl, and if you two get together will that later on be a problem.


Personally, i dont like to lower my standards but if I truly love/like a person, I would do it, if I had enough faith in the person I would do it but stick by it and dont regret it later.


Ask yourself, what do you like her for...............?



If you wanna chat PM me

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Maybe you do'nt want it because you are afraid not to live up to her expectations?


You shouldn't be anyway, jut try to kiss her the way she kisses you, and don't forget not to start sticking your tongue down her throat. Instead, gently kiss her lips etc and use your tongue as gently as she uses it.


Pointless answer if you are really that romantic that you only want to kiss a 'kiss-virgin', but hope it still helped.

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