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Posts posted by swanton

  1. I like this girl and i mean i really like her..but im not quite shure if she likes me..i told her a while ago that i liked her and i was scared outta my god damn mind she be all freaked out by it but she wan't and she still talks to me...in fact she talks to me alot more now there where bak in school....i dunno if she likes me or if she just wants to be friends with me....she's told me she loves me a few times but i've got no clue how she telling me cuz it could mean nothing......i kindda think she likes me and i really hope she does....but i have so much doubt in my mind.....it seem to good to be true.....n e way wadda ya guys think.

  2. i'm attraced to girls who are nice, careing and comfortable with themselves...i don't like it when girls where to much makeup its like saying i don't like my face lets put on a new one.....and i like girls that don't care what other ppl think of them....yeh and i've gotta admit i've got a thing for tall girls....hehe..thats one thing i die for......cuz i'm only 14 and already 6F 2' n e who...check ya l8er!!!!

  3. i'm swanton and if u've read my other poasts u'll know how strongly i feel about this girl at school and that she has a boyfriend and i'm in pain alot of it. thers this other girl in my class aswell lets call her Stacey (not real name) she has been talking to me often and she been caling me cool and stuff she waves to me in the halls and i never understood what she was doing it for. Today when she waved to me in such a sweet way and i realised she might possibly like me. I felt kind of attracted to her, i still feal the same abot the girl but i like stacey as well. Does stacey like me and will i lose my feelings for the girl i'm in pain over? what should i fell? HELP

    Sorry if this is confusing.

  4. i read what you wrote MAR to me and i'm woundering what you ment when you said the decent guy i think you are. What gave you that impression i don't mean that in a spappy way i am just woundering. Mabe there's a person in this world that see the real me plese write back to me.

  5. i read what you wrote MAR to me and i'm woundering what you ment when you said the decent guy i think you are. What gave you that impression i don't mean that in a spappy way i am just woundering. Mabe there's a person in this world that see the real me plese write back to me.

  6. I'm swanton the 13 year old freak of nature thats madley in love with a girlthat i cant even talk to and she has a boyfriend. I keep saying i'm in so much pain over her and its true but today i realised that ist's all my fault that im in so much pain, ibrought this on myself. I liked her long befor she started dateing her boyfriend, should i have acted on my feelings i would have known for shure if she loved me. and even if she didn't at least the pain would be eased because i would have never been asking myself "what if" today.

  7. I did not right these poems my favorite wrestler musican and poet wrote them he is my idol.....





    Inside a bubble...that somebody blew...

    I am the wall that you see through.

    Away from space...I'm trapped inside...

    There is no room...no room to hide.

    Inside a star...that everybody sees...T

    hey see the sparkle but can't see me.

    Away from land...I'm trapped inside...

    I'm sorry I did it...sorry I lied.

    Inside a song...that nobodyhears...

    It's only me...wet from tears.

    Away from grace...I'm trapped inside...

    I'm floating away to the other side.

    Inside a world... that you created...

    I've left this world...myself has faded.

    Away from love...I'm trapped inside...

    I'm held from holding...my body's died.

    Inside my soul...that you reach through...

    I am the ghost that stays with you.

    Away from them...I watch you sleep...

    I visit your dreams...in peace so deep.

    Inside a bubble...that somebody blew...

    I am your angel...That somebody is you.


    Hide away...Fly away...Insideaway.


    Sound Asleep

    Sitting on the porch...scared to ring the bell.

    I wait for you to see me...I sit scared as hell.

    Rocking in the chair...hoping the squeaks bring you near.

    I wait for you to hear me...I'm alone so filled ....with fear.

    Pacing on the hardwood...not knowing what to say.

    When you see me pacing...when you make your way.

    Laying on your welcome mat...not feeling very welcome.

    I guess you're in there sleeping...you're so peaceful ...when you sleep.


    Freezing on the outside...so cold but yet so sweet.

    Your body's on the inside...I'd kill to feel your heat.

    Dailing on my phone...the number of your phone.

    I can't mash send....so now I'm ...going home.

    Walking towards my car...I'm down about myself.

    Getting in my car...I want to kill myself.

    You make me feel complete...At the same time I'm me.

    I'm so always not complete...without you I'm ...never free.

    Free from depressive states...of mind, body, and soul.

    Free from sad days with me...free from sad ...days alone.

    Turning my ignition switch...bright lights start shining through

    My eyes are blinded momentarily.....Holy Sh!t......It's you!


    Sitting on the porch together...not worried about the bell.

    We're looking in each other's eyes...

    I'm no longer scared as hell.

    This night will be a memory...

    One that's sure to keep.

    I didn't want to wake you...

    I thought you were

    Sound asleep.

  8. Ok i'm swanton I'm always writing about this girl that rarely ever talks to me and we sat next to her in french last year and thats the only time i EVER talked to her. now i write poems about how she makes me feel and now she has a boyfriend and people have been giving me advice. But now i'm thinking that maybe if she ever breaks up with him and i possibly start a relationship with her she might not like how strongly i feel about her and i might loose her. I'm a big wrestling fan and a huge fan of Jeff hardy and i wrestl in my back rard and i'v never really hade any fear of anything to breaking any bone or falling form roof. I'm also a big fan of horror films (Friday the 13th, nightmere an elm street, texas chainsaw masecre, evil dead...)and that does't scar me at all up until a few days ago i thought i wasn't afraid of anything and i do mean anything but anfter thinking about actuly having a possible chance with the girl i love that i might lose her i got so scared. It confuses me that i'm afraid of breaking up with someone that i'm not even in a relationship with espical at the age 13. Is there anything wrong with me.

  9. Ok i'm Swanton the one in all the pain over the one girl i love most but this time this doesn't concern her. I hang out with 5 poeple one is a giirl not the one i love but just a friend. Her friend is so in love with a guy and he loves her alot too someone asked her out.She dumpped her lover and dated the other guy because she said he's hot. I think that's disgusting. What do you think.

  10. I wrote about this girl in my last post. and my pain is only growing. I love her more and more. Sometimes i see other couples kissing in public and it hurts , i think about her and hang my head and i have to stop myself from crying. Idream of her every night (*clean) I see her every day in school and she is so beautiful. I'v only told 1 person, my best friend and he says i have a huge crush, I think he is wrong. I'M IN LOVE WITHE HER. Every day i write a poem about her or for her but i never give them to her and i never let n e 1 see them. I'm only 13 and i know I love her do u think i'm too young to make that decision.

  11. well i can't say much because i'm only 13 and i'v never hade a girlfriend but all i know is there's this girl in my school that i used to sit next to in french class we used to talk toeach other and every day she would take a pen and draw flours on my neck that was when i fell in love with her now i'm in the 8th grade and she's got a boyfriend but i know i'm truley in love with her but she never talks to me at all. But i know i will alway love her wether she does or not.


    I don't know weather this will help or not or weather you'll take it seriously becaush i'm only 13 but TRUE LOVE DOES EXIST.

  12. I'm falling apart. I'm 13 and There's this girl in school i like i've liked her for a long time but she never knew, we are the same age and in the same class. i love every thing about her she is so smart, so pretty and she is funny. she has a boyfriend and it hurts to see them together. But i love and all i want is for her to be happy even at the coast of my being in pain. I would do anything for her I mean a n y t h i n g at all.she inspired all my poetry. The only time she ever talks to me is at school to ask me for money or gum. Nobuddy knows this but when i'm alone i sit down and cry. i cry because i'm a freak of nature and she is the beauty of nature. She will never love me like i love her but i hope some day she will.

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