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Posts posted by MajinGuu

  1. I feel annoyed that I left you on such a pathetic note, sometimes I feel like sending you a text to make up for it. I don't want you to think that I want to die alone because I've lost my ~one tru luv~ or that I'm doing bad because I miss you or that you'll forever have a place in my heart, or anything of the sort.


    So much has changed, I fantasize about telling you to f*** off and how you're nothing but a terrible choice I've made in the past. But that'd make me look pathetic too and nobody ain't got time for that.

  2. Day: ?


    I've stopped counting after the 1 month mark, I don't need to keep track of this any longer.

    Whenever I feel like replying to her texts I remember what she's done to me and I realize she's not worth any of my time. We'll never be able to be friends and it sucks a bit because I miss our friendship sometimes, but then it's entirely her fault if everything is ruined so I'm not going to feel too bad about it. She freely decided to be gross to me so whatever, deal with the consequences. I know I'm not going to dwell on her bs forever.

  3. Day 29!


    Tomorrow it'll be 1 month since I've started NC. Yay!

    So how are things now? My ex texted me 9 times during this, repeated that she missed me, begged me to talk to her... I did not.

    Yesterday I felt a bit down because I reread a message she had sent me in May and it was just depressing... A message full of love, hope, and fake promises. I felt a pain in my heart.

    Other than that, whenever I think of her I think of the bad things, I think of all the bad things. Everything she's ever done to me, all the pain, all the tears, all the betrayals, all the lies...


    This entire relationship was a life lesson, a really harsh lesson. I don't ever want to make this mistake again, and I know this is not going to happen. I remember vividly every word, every tear, I remember the intensity of the pain, I will never forget any of this.


    I know I won't be caught dead with someone like my ex again because I will finally be able to read the signs, to see the red flags, I will know that rejecting something toxic won't be the end of me and that I will not lose anything by doing so. I know what to avoid and I know what I want.

  4. 17 days!


    She texted me again last night, this is the fourth time in a row. I think she's in disbelief, I've never ever ignored her before and I would always run to her whenever she'd feel sad or whatever. And now I'm completely gone from her life... Welp, that's what she asked for.

  5. 14 days.


    I felt a little bit down today because of her texting me and because it was simply a quiet day so I had a lot of time to think about it/her.

    I'm feeling better now though and thank god this is the weekend... Gonna go out and enjoy my time.


    A part of me still feels worried about her because I know she's not ok and I would always be here to take care of her whenever she felt sad, or sick, or annoyed about anything. And now I'm not here for her anymore. But she chose this so... I hope she'll properly deal with the consequences.

  6. 1 week and 3 days.


    Hitting rock bottom turned out to be... So good for me?

    I can only look up now and I feel so different, I just feel like myself again and I haven't felt this positive in forever.

    I felt so dead inside at first, completely empty, but slowly I've been raising from my own ashes. I obviously still have my down times because I had really intense feelings for my ex and I was convinced that we were meant to be, but overall, I'm okay.

    I'm eating normally, I'm sleeping normally, I go out a lot, I'm always active, I'm talking to good people... I'm okay.

    There are other difficult things in my life at the moment but I know none of this is the end and I'll keep doing what I've always been doing, I'll work everything out and it will be fine.

  7. 1 week and 2 days (3 this evening.)


    I realized I was doing much more with my life than what I used to do when I was in a relationship, it's so... Weird.

    But I know it's a good thing and I'm not going to stop.

    I've been having objectively good days lately, I still think of her and sometimes I feel down but overall I think I'm definitely on the right path.

  8. It's been 1 week and 1 day.


    I've been out and busy all day, done a lot of things, went shopping, met and talked to a lot of people, even cooked and worked out a little bit while I was home for 1 hour or 2... Yet I'm still thinking of her, there are so many things I'd like to tell her but it would be such a waste of my time.

    I still can't properly describe what I'm feeling. I just want to feel indifferent already.

    But knowing myself I know it's going to be a really long journey and it's discouraging. I'm always busy yet my thoughts are always for her, no matter what I'm doing. Even looking at another girl's butt makes me think of her, that's how BAD it is.

  9. We've been through everything together, I was always here for you through thick and thin. I've always told you that all the pain in the world was worth it as long as we were together, I remember all of your words and promises, you telling me you would go through the worst all over again if it meant you would find me in the end, just everything you've ever told me...


    I'm just still in disbelief and crying so hard, I wish you had never said all those meaningful things. They meant everything to me, you don't even know. I hate that you made me believe your words, I wish we had never met.

  10. This evening we won't have talked for 3 days, it's the longest we've ever been apart. I miss you bad and I'm in pain, I can't function today and I don't know what to do with myself. I wonder how you're doing, what you're feeling. I'm having a hard time keeping it together today, are you already over me?

    I can't believe only last month you were depressed and had insomnia because you missed my voice when I was away, and you agreed that we weren't made to be apart.


    The pain is atrocious.

  11. Day 1 just ended for me.


    It's hard, it's really difficult and I almost gave up.

    I miss her really bad I just wish I could go back in time and prevent this from happening.

    Night time is the hardest and I feel like tomorrow is going to be even harder.


    I miss her so bad it makes me want to cry it's unbearable, why do I have to go through this pain?

    I want to contact her so bad, I want to know what she's doing, but I can't... I really can't and I will not do this.

  12. We went through everything together and I was here for you day and night, you've told me your deepest secrets, you've told me the most meaningful things, promised me so much. We were each other's bestfriend.

    Yet you threw everything away for someone you just met.


    I'm still in complete disbelief. I never imagined something like this to ever happen and I feel stupid because I felt like my feelings for you only grew stronger, I didn't know it was completely one sided.


    I wish you had been honest and not a coward, I don't even know what was real anymore because you lied so much about so many things. I wish we had never met.

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