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Posts posted by alsan

  1. there's this girl i see every day in one of my classes and in the halls every so ofter, she's so pretty, but she's a junior and i'm a sophomore so i dont know if she'd go out with me. also i dont know if she has a boyfriend or not, i never see her with any guys, but i've heard one of her friend's say something about her having a boyfriend, but it may be just someone with the same name. i dont have much time to talk to her during class cause our teacher is a nazi and when i see her in the halls she's in a hurry. can you guys give me some help?

  2. is it better to talk to my girlfriend online or on the phone, because the amount of time i spend tlaking to her sometimes would be rediculous to talk on the phone all that time for money matters, dont get me wrong, i still call her every couple of days, i just talk to her most of the time online

  3. i like a girl who i'm sure likes me but i cant bring myself to ask her out, she hung out at my house today but i couldnt think of how to ask her out, and i'm afraid she's going to lose interest if i dont soon. can someone please help me?

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