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Posts posted by lealeapopo

  1. What kind of person ends a year long relationship with a declaration that it is over and no further contact? No explanation. Nothing.

    We loved one another, had plans for the future. He bought me a beautiful Valentine's present and then one week later ... gone.

    No other undercurrent, it had been long distance since he went back to college in August. He came home every weekend. Another woman? What ?? this abrupt ending without explanation is causing me great pain. Anyone with any ideas? Thanks, Lea

  2. An abrupt cessation to a year long relationship, no provocation, no contact from him.. I think what he did to me was cruel.... I am moving into the anger phase and I hope to continue healing. His not contacting me, no explanation, just declaring it " over " was cruel, and intentionally so. How can I avoid someone like this in the future? I will be alone now for some time. That will be good for me. Hang in there everybody, we will heal. Lea

  3. Hey, I know just what you mean. And the compulsion is overwhelming at times. Just like that ice cream or chocolate or (pick you temptation here) scream at you. When you are strong enough, delete all their old email ( i have partially, still cannot get rid of all of it). Delete their address from you email, address book and their # from speed dial on ALL your phones. This helps alot.

    In time, I think we will learn to be appreciative of the good times, and learn from the mistakes we made. Getting angry helps too.... Lea

  4. Boy! After the abrupt, unexpected cessation of my one year "romance", I made an idiot outta myself. He ended it. Abruptly. In a mean manner.... and has refused any contact at all. I called, I pleaded, I emailed, in short I made a complete fool outta myself. It is still a struggle. I check my email with the anticipation of hearing some little something from him. The best helpers are friends, distractions such as exercise, shopping, reading, work. Go out. Make yourself busy. "fake it til you make it". Plod along, and hope it will pass. It is a compulsion. Resist it. Be strong. I am determined to grow from this. You will too... Lea

  5. After dating a 27 year old man for 1 year ( I am 41), professions of love and devotion, plans for the future,etc, he cut it off. Abruptly, without warning or provocation. No contact. Nothing. And let me tell you, I have cried a river, buckets, grieved, struggled to understand. I am still messed up. How much did they ever really feel for us? How much did the age difference affect the outcome? What is my resposibility, culpability in all this? I am reflecting, digging for the truth. I do not ever want to feel this pain again. I am getting better, and you will too. Hang in ther. More insights would be helpful... Lea

  6. Really , I feel ex sex is a block in the path of growth. You know all those old issues, feeling are gonna come back. Since my recent break-up, my ex (we live in a relatively small town), has tried to garner his way back into my bed. What an opportunist (which is one of the many things I disliked about him.) Be strong, buy a good vibrator and avoid all those pitfalls, there are plenty others ! Best of luck, Lea

  7. Mark,

    My boyfriend of one year got drunk, cussed me out and declared the entire relationship "over". Not one more word, No contact. The silence, I feel, is a cruel tool of punishment. I think they also feel it can be used as a tool of manipulation, if they decide they want to come back. It has taken me 3 weeks to figure this out, 3 weeks of tears, recriminations, and , yes , I admit, attempted contact with him. I am now an avowed advocate of "don't call that boy". So take it from me, it will get better, you will survive, and don't contact, email, or in any way "call that girl". Some people are poisonous. Beware. Best of luck, Lea

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