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Posts posted by jc_crazy1

  1. i think the best way to get out of this problem is to really talk to her seriously. you don't have to let her admit that she is using but analyze the situation carefully, you know what are the signs of using this drug and definitely you don't have to wait for her admission to take the necessary actions. first is tell her that you love her and care for her very much, not readily accusing her bcoz' you might hurt her feelings, then go on with the topic and find out why is she using that. ask the question yourself, is it because of me? is it because of our realtionship? is it about family problems? or just mere curiosity? then after you know what's the cause of it, you can know readily take necessary actions for her to stop using it.

  2. good day to everyone. i hope you could help me with this situation. I posted before a topic and it is somehow related to it.


    well, here is the situation! I've know this girl for almost a year already, actually she's my classmate, and I really like her looks and I think she's really great! but you know already what a typical shy guy do, just stare at the girl until your full of her that day, can't even say a simple "Hi" to her in person or any word that could express my feelings for her. I feel to shy to say anything to her maybe she won't like what would i say. i can't even say her name to my friends!! that's really odd for me why?


    and now here's the worst situation, i fell already i liked and loved her for a long time she has been my classmate. but the sad part is that i think she's already transferring to another school this school year and i have not even say a single word to her "what a freak!". not even expressing my own feelings for her! what should i do? i'm too shy to say it to her but i really want to say it! is it too late to start a relationship with her? maybe it will end that she's already gone and i'm just here staying leaving my feelings unexpressed for her..


    what should i do?

  3. i'm 17 yrs old and i'm already in 1st year college. back in HS, i was that typical shy guy every girl would probably ignore. I'm that shy that i can't even approach a girl and talk with her. this is probably my worst attitude towards girls since HS.


    And now in college, and this is the situation, i have a classmate of mine who is really attractive for me and i think she's great! My friends usually convinced me to go into her, or i mean go get her, she's absolutely great. but i usually reply them, i don't know if i will, which really means i don't know what to do. i don't really talk to her that much but i think she would like me to open up a conversation with her, " I'm really shy to approcah her and talk about anything and i really don't know what to talk about". Now, my friends usually tease me to her even in her presense and that absolutely suck!! i mean it's so frustrating for me in my case, can't say to her what i really feel. all is approved, means that no one is in my way, all it takes is that for me to approach her, talk and say what i feel for her.


    thanks for reading and any advice would be greatly appreciated! It would be of much help for me..thanks

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