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Posts posted by Ecowarrior

  1. Well last year their was this girl who talked to me last year -She doesnt now. Cos i didnt ask her out I think ( i am really shy ) I will fill you in on the infos. One of the reasons ididnt ask her was cos her one of her best friends is the sister of my worst enemy



    Well this is how it started, I was looking at some rats which were near her. Then when i left the classroom she ran after me saying i am so sorry for not talking to you in the past i feel so bad. But when other boys tried talking to her she just said get lost. I noticed in the early stages of us talking together her pupuls got bigger and more brighter.

    Then once she went on about how her family is part of the italien mafia and some site i read said kiss a girl on the forhead if she very short ( which she wasnt ) or if shes part of the italien mafia.


    also when she saw me being bulied she said leave the guy alone and they did and she one of them in the %^&%^ ( without me asking )

    she also sad she would tell her friends to get stuffed if they had go at me.


    Hope that makes sense



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