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Posts posted by Design

  1. Hi natasha,


    I am 31. I was in an 8 year relationship that ended amicably quite a few years back now. I guess I needed some time to find myself, after growing up with my ex so to speak. People change and can grow apart.

    Anyway, I was happily single in my late twenties. I did use to think that I was never going to find anything better than what I had, and I did want to get back with him.

    But I'm glad I did not. Because I met the most amazing man that showed me that there was something better out there than what I was hanging on to! We have both been in previous long term relatinships respectively, and we each learnt a lot about ourselves, through the good and the bad. And we use that to strengthen our relationship.

    I have friends who have been married for ten years and are so very happy still. But I think it has to do with you, and how you feel. I couldn't have been married that young. But I just see that I am a late developer, and that they were lucky enough to find eachother so young. My husband and I just took our time to find eachother and we have never been happier in our lives.

    So don't despair, there are still good men out there who don't have too much baggage either!


    Cheers and don't give up!

  2. Hero,


    They do. I am one and I have many girlfriends who also are not. But I know the ones you mean.

    I never could understand why some women feel that they have to act the way they do. Manipulating people is not a nice thing to do. My husband and I have a great relationship in that I WANT to do things for him and he WANTS to do things for me. We haven't had an argument in the whole of our relationship. Life is too short for such petty things.

    Anyway, keep looking... we're out there. Don't give up, you deserve the best.



  3. I was with my ex for 8 years. I broke up with him, then thought we should try again after 2 years apart. But he had met someone new. I was a bit upset but accepted it; I even met the girl!

    My ex and I have mutual friends, so we are always in social contact and see one another at least every month.

    I have since met someone and we are now happily married. My ex is also getting married soon.

    My husband and I are always invited to birthdays and bbqs etc by my ex, and it seemed that things were going well with our continuing friendship.

    But we are not invited to their wedding, even though we were at their engagement party. My ex said it was because HE felt uncomfortable and it had nothing to do with his fiancee. I have always been very nice to his fiancee. Never compared notes with her about my ex or anything like that. But we have conversations, though we are not the best of friends!

    The only reason she doesn't like me is because I happened to date her husband to be. No matter what I do or say, she takes negatively. I am damned if I do, damned if I don't really.

    Should I persist with the civilness, or shall I just tell her where to go? I feel I have nothing to lose except what little friendship I have left with my ex. And as much as he says he wants me to be a part of his life, his actions tell me that he's not being sincere, or just under his fiancee's spell.

    I understand and admire him standing up for her, but his dishonesty and insincerity is not who I thought he always was. I guess people change.

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