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Posts posted by matt89

  1. okay, shes been through it all, lost her virginity a few years ago, been active since,

    im still a virgin,

    the proposal, we bang, she wants to deverginize me.

    exscuse the lingo



    how do i go into this.

  2. the question that is on my mind,

    at first you cant wait to get pubic hair, now, u cant deal with it,

    the question is directed at woman, would oyu prefer your man to be bald, or with a slight patch,

    i know it is a personal choice,

    and mine is patch, for i cannot deal with the little shrubs of hair that grow back after shaving, and as for waxing,

    have not tried it, nor have any clue what to do. And that is definitely not something im going to ask my family

  3. This has always been the question on my mind, and probably on some of yours. What do you get for your girlfriend? The occasion, anything, it could be anniversary, (not just yearly but monthly im only in a highschool relationship) VALENTINES DAY (this one is comin up fast) and just in general.


    What do you get?


    Ladies, please, fill us in on what it is you like best,

    roses are classic, but what else is there? im sure you ladies get bored of the chocolates and roses.


    And yes, we all know, diamonds are a girls best friend,

    however, what ELSE is their?



  4. This is really embarrassing to say, but when im makin out with my girlfriend, i dont get hard, i know she wants me to, but it just isnt happening, weve been going out for a month now, and have only tried a few times, but i really dont know whats going on.

    when we were makin out in the movie theathre i got hard there, but when i was at her house it wasnt happenin.

    i was told by an ex that is a comfort thing, but i duno, i feel comfortable with her, but it just isnt working.

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