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Posts posted by FunGuy

  1. Sometimes a man just needs a quick fix. I understand you might be willing and ready, but maybe you don't want to do what he wants at that moment. It could just be a thought in his head and he just wants to explode at that moment.


    Instead of getting jealous go over and help. Or watch. He might enjoy that and get you involved.

  2. First of all you seem young, don't hang yourself onto this relationship. Don't force or beg anyone to be with you. Be mature and if you made a mistake admit it and if he doesn't accept it, then move on. I understand you make like this person, but there are more people out there, and you may find someone who acutally believes in you and understands when you go through things.


    Don't lower yourself for a chance to be with anyone, they should be honored to be with you.

  3. I'm 34 and am in a relationship with a woman with 2 kids. We have lived together for 4 years and it's to the point where i'm unhappy.


    Her kids are spoiled, rude and she's anti-social.


    It's hard to keep a happy sense to my life, when they're arguing and yelling at each other from morning to night. I try to intervene but either i jump in when i shouldn't or she has constant excuses as to why they are the way they are.


    You have to understand these kids have everything. He has every game system and electronic gadget a kid could want. She has every doll and toy imaginable for a kid her age.


    She has no friends and wants none. She never calls anyone back who calls her. She wants me next to her every second. If i'm in another room of the house, she's wondering what's wrong. If we go out to a party she won't communicate with anyone and socializes very little, only if someone comes up to her. Twice i've danced with her sister at a party and she went nuts saying that i shouldn't dance with anyone else, but meanwhile at a club, she will only dance if there's a big crowd.


    I can go on and on, but just want some advice, or someone to just read this and understand.



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