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Posts posted by Princess_JJ

  1. It's great to hear stories like this one... there actually is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm trying to get over somebody myself... and sometimes it feels so hopeless and I get to feeling sorry for myself. But I know that with time, by staying strong within myself, I will get over him... even if it doesn't feel that way now.


    Thanks for the story.

    Princess JJ

  2. Hey,


    The best way to get over somebody is to stop all contact with him... at least for one year. It's going to be tough, but work on getting your life back together... keep going to counseling.... and start dating again.


    I'm sorry to say it, but your relationship with this guy sounded unhealthy... and it sounds inevitable that it would end the way it did. You will eventually get over him, it is just a matter of time.


    Make sure to work on your "jealousy" "insecurity" issues so that next time you find somebody special, you are prepared.


    Be strong.

    Princess JJ

  3. Hey, your posting made me sad... not because of your delimma, but because you seem to put everybody up on a pedestal except yourself.


    My advice to you is to stop looking at all your shortcomings and take a look at everything you bring to the table. You're funny, easy to talk to, AND from what I gather, you're loyal (unlike her cheating loser boyfriend.... a lot of good handsome, rich, and successful did for that relationship). Take it from somebody who has been in a few relationships.... Honest, funny, intelligent, and caring guys are very very desirable (and hard to come by) in a boyfriend. Personally, I would take a homely, but sweet, balding, but faithful, poor, but honest guy any day of the week.


    As for the girl... it doesn't come accross to me as if you came on strong.... maybe you feel this way only because you think about her so much. Giving her your number and emailing her on her birthday are signs you're interested, but I doubt she is thinking you're a stalker. Maybe you should consider renewing your friendship with her first before asking her out on dates and stuff.... like email her to get together for coffee sometime, just to catch up on the last 4 years. If, on this next attempt she doesn't respond or turns you down (giving no alternate dates), she might not be interested in you... and that is a reality you might have to deal with. (I'm going through this myself and dude, it's not easy....and it's not fun)


    Anyway, don't sell yourself short... and if this girl (or any girl for that matter) can't APPRECIATE your very wonderful and unique qualities, she's not worth your time and energy.


    Have a wonderful 2004,

    Princess JJ

  4. Wow, this forum does great things for people! Who started it? They should get some sort of award. You guys are awesome. Let me know if you need anything.


    Yes, it is a group class... and I enjoy the topic and my fellow classmates a lot. No, I'm not looking for a relationship right now (this one, with my teacher, just happened unexpectedly). I try not to look for happiness in the attention I get from guys.... although it can be very flattering. I guess I'm a firm believer in finding peace and happiness with myself because it is something I can control... which is why I'm frustrated (with myself) that I've gotten myself emotionally involved with the teach Grrr.... I can hardly wait to get over this.


    Have a great and safe new years! See you around the site.

    Princess JJ

  5. I guess I never really looked at it that way And you're right, I do have more respect for myself and their relationship then to try and continue the flirtation.... And I do have better things to do then to play seconds to somebody else.


    Thanks for your advice. I'm definitely going to put it into effect and hopefully, this awful yearning will eventually go away.



    Princess JJ

  6. Hey CK, it's tough being single after a long-term relationship... even if the break-up was inevitable. I broke off an engagement about a year ago and I thought I'd never get out of the depression even though I knew that it was the the right thing to do. I'd sit and stare at the wall for hours. So, I know a bit about what you're going through.


    It has been almost a year now that I've been single... in the beginning, I tried everything I could to fill up that empty space that was missing in my life. Dated extensively.... through link removed, blind dates through friends/family members.... guys I met at lounges/clubs.... And I found that these things didn't make me feel better or stronger... in fact they seemed to make me feel more dependent... My day was made or broken by exterior forces, and that really sucked... because it was like riding a roller coaster.


    Ok, anyway, the point is, the best way for you to enjoy your single life is to first stop and appreciate your freedom. Look at your week S M T W R F S.... and think of it is opportunities to do all the things you've been interested in trying out... and do it. It doesn't matter if you don't like it once you've tried it.... move on to the next activity. Think of it as a marathon.... try as many interesting things as you can.... and you will, (I can almost guarantee) find a passion that is within your control..... It's inevitable that you will meet somebody...and the truth is, once you're married with kids, there are a lot of cool things you won't be able to explore anymore. (any married couple with kids will tell you that... not that there's anything wrong with family life... just different)


    Don't look for happiness in somebody else. Look for it within yourself. That is the best advice I can give you.


    Good luck,

    Princess JJ

  7. Hi, I'm new to this site, but it looks like the people here have given some great feedback on personal issues, so I thought I'd try it out.


    My instructor and I started flirting about 3 months ago. We're both adults, so at first I thought it would be ok, even if it didn't develop into a relationship. At first, it was more like "hero-worship".... I was star-struck and flattered that he would take an interest in me because he is one of the best in the world at what he does. But the more time I spent with him, the more I liked him as a person..... and unfortunately, before I knew it, I was falling head over heels for this guy. So he recently told me we should go back to being "student/teacher" due to the fact that he is trying to work things out with his ex (which came as a shock to me because I didn't even know he was just out of a serious relationship)... and I'm stuck seeing him 4 times a week in class.


    Does anybody have some idea as to how to get over somebody who you see on a regular basis? I can't change classes.... he is the only instructor for this particular class in my area.


    Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!

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