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Posts posted by chamois9

  1. I had to reply to this problem you had because it reminds me so much of my current situation with my ex/boyfriend (delete as appropriate). Like you, I got with my boyfriend when I was quite young - 18 - and now I am turning 21 and he was also my first love and the first man I made love to.


    We literally mutually broke up yesterday, there were a lot of tears and it was very painful but it is here where I agree with your guy. You need to understand the fact that he says YOU ARE THE ONE HE WANTS TO BE WITH, now this might change but it is this that you need to go on for now. I can tell you that if you don't give him space to go out and be his own man and, I hate to say it and I know it is painful because I know it will be for me, sleep with other women. He will grow as an individual: he will know what it is like to hurt and laugh and improve as a man and a lover and as much as that might hurt for you you might find it to be worth your while in the long run if you support him with this decision and start making you way in the world on your own too. You might find that, even though it seems SO unlike now, that he is actually not the one for you.


    You are young.... seriously: going to college will bring about so many encounters and experiences that will make you grow as a person and clinging to something so familiar will hold both you and him back, trust me, this is what I am experiencing now BEING in uni even though I know that when I am older and want to settle down our situation will be perfect.


    Mate, you can't set a time limit on these things, it is a natural progression and he will know when it feels right. The way I see it, you need to just let him go, not for good, just for now, and dive in to new people when you go to college: trust me it is SUCH a laugh, once in a lifetime. He might be perfect for you and you for him but trust me, if I was in his head, as his mentality seems a little like mine at the mo', he really needs to experience the hurt from other girls and situations to fully appreciate spending his life with you, it is only then that he will be a proper man for you. TRUST ME, this grey area is not fun, as i'm sure you have realised, its not heathly and feels more like an addiction, a routine, than a relationship.


    Me and my boyfriend are broken up, its official, but we'll still be cool with each other, content with that fact. And, even though it hurts, objectively, the decision is best for both parties. Yes I will go out, flirt, have sex with other guys probably get hurt in the process but become a better lover and find out more about myself: my view and opinions and attitudes to people and the situations that life can throw at you. He will go and build his qualifications, his career and his strength as an individual and eventually, when he gets over me, his sex life.


    Then, we will meet back maybe in a few months, maybe in a few years, and have a serious discussion about whether the way we have changed and learned for the good (or even the bad) makes our lives meets together. It's as simple, however painful, as that. I think you should seriously consider yourself in this situation as your own person NOT as a person in relation to how he thinks and how he feels. You might be surprised with what you come up with. I'd be interested to know what you think about this.

  2. You know, it is entirely possible that she is your soulmate you can everything in common and believe that if that person disappears from this world then you just couldn't function without them. However, relationships with soulmates still will have their ups and downs. There are so many life factors that can affect relationships in a detrimental way but you know that it is consumate love when you will support each other through struggle and hardship, misunderstandings, small annoyances which will alway creep in at one point or the other.


    From the sounds of your relationship, you have not fully experienced any of these in order to judge, partly because you are not around each other and partly because you are simply not old enough to have had these responsibilities. You will have so much more to live and as you grow you will shape your point of views and opinions and your coming experiences will shape your own lives. You might find that this person develops perfectly insync with you but unfortunately, more often then not, you find that young teenage relationships remain faithful only for loyalty rather than for true friendship, loveand complete understanding and empathy.


    Right now I don't question these intense feeling you have, just be sure that if, in time, you don't feel it is how it was, that you don't hold on to something that had drifted a long time ago because you are far too young to commit yourself so strongly. Furthermore, you might find that the relationship is used purely for support and empathy because teenagedom is aturbulent and painful time for most, so you seek comfort and security in each other, once this time passes such support will not be needed and a more mature and responsible support will take its place. Perhaps with this person, perhaps not. The least you can take away from this is a lesson for life and love the most is yet to be seen.


    All this you have yet to discover so don't rule out all possibilities of routes before you have seen the break in the road, if that makes sense.

  3. probably britney spears, although she has no boobs, J lo is disproportionate in my opinion and has a quite masculine face, as does madonna, although I do respect her I dont find her attractive, and last time I checked, Jessica simpson had the worst skin in the world, although she spent hours at the gym and was looking buff, most could probably do the same and look better.

  4. I was with my current boyfriend two months before I lost my virginity to him at 19 and I knew I was ready because he never forced me and told me to take as much time in the world, he would wait and in the end I might not decide to do it with him.


    If you can see that this guy has genuine intentions toward you and will do everything sex-wise in YOUR interest and has enough resonsibility to deal with caring for you afterward then you are ready. Never get influenced by peers or any others and all their horny goings-on. You'll find that they will never be treated as high quality women as they don't present themselves as high quality. I believe that people should sleep with someone when they have a good gut feeling about the intentions of that person and are absolutely certain that that person can handle the responsibilty in a mature and manly for you after the experience. This is something you will find often varies in men, so you will have to be your own judge with this one, age is often not a good means of judgement unfortunately either in my experience


    DEFINITELY use contraception if u decide to have sex and if it makes you feel better go on the pill also as that will give you extra extra protection against pregnancy (and usually pretty good skin as a bonus!). It doesn't matter if you don't stay with the guy for the rest of your life in my opinion, as long as you can look back and say i had sex for the first time at a time when I wanted, I was in control and I have no regrets. Virginity should be a sharing process more than a 'losing' process, as corny as that may sound I think it will save you a lot of hurt in the long run!



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