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Posts posted by sweethero16

  1. image removed Well fortunely i found my love at first when thought i was at the lowet of my low he was just a stranger then and yet he cared so much about how i felt and what emotions i was going through... i knew when i saw him for the first time with his smile, charisa, and intrigue i would fall in love with him it was like an electric pulse running through my veins and it's pan out our life together for quite awhile were r engaged now and i love him unconditionally and as he should me, we've lasted 4yrs and have a lifetime left... [/img]

  2. i think the problem is that you tooo negative im pretty sure there someone out there for you maybe your just not looking hard enough... i believe that GOD image removed[/img]made a companion for everyone and everyones matched with that [one special person maybe you havent applied yourself as much as you should but at any rate you should take pride in yourself before you expect anyone else to

  3. i remember when i was in high school when we had these convo's with my friend and of course i did it but i never answered but now im more mature to understand the question, as of rght now im bi-sexual and i like give recieving i love everything about oral some ppl dont like doing it because there scared they dont knoe how to do it but time and more times you do it will make you a pro and now i can say im very good @ what i do

  4. For Every Valentine I Missed


    For every valentine I missed... First i would like to say im sorry for not meeting you sooner... i wish i had the words to tell you how much love i have for you...Second, your are what love is made of, you are my definition of perfect. thereforeeee, for every day I missed I think of the days I'll see you and pray that you'll be satisfied.


    or another poem is....well not really a poem but a statement



    In my dreams,

    I have breakfast with you,

    Watching funny movies,

    While enjoying you company,

    we walk on the beach watching waves,

    And whimsikal clouds engage,

    In a floetic bond of melodies.

    We watch as the sun escapes from the sky,

    In an sentuous array of orange.

    I embrace you daily in my thoughts a thousand times.


    Sweetheart hopefully that helped you cos i tryed....lol GOOD LUCK

  5. Look my phlosopy is that you know your self i can honestly say that i take care of myself very to where if i could i would give myself head i would so... i mean if your confident with your self then try it let her kiss you after it doesnt really taste like anything.... well... some ppl's have a taste depends....(not like i knoe or anything *wink*)

  6. Me and my guy have been having this long distance relationship for about a year now. We see each other every now and then but for the most part we dont see each other enough thereforeeee, the phone is practically our only option so, we talk almost everynight and now i feel like i'm running out of things to say i know everything about him and he does me... and it's being a pain to think of new things ... some please help i need guidance

  7. First of all grlie i realise that you might like this boy but i mean i have been in your same postion and it almost landed me in a situation where i didn't wanna be in, and he was a great person to talk to.I Think you just have to be bold and tell him that he's not gonna get into your pants and that's it. I mean you have to think about your body, your respect of your body.Dont do something that you might regret, just becos he wanted it.Be smart about it... your reputation and yourself respect is on the line, true me i know

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