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Posts posted by MikeStan

  1. Gilgamesh, thanks for the reply. It certainly makes sense, even more so after I think about our conversation's the two times we met.


    She lives about 40 minutes away from me. That's not that bad but her car is out of service for the time being so it makes it kind of hard for us to go out and do things. Once she gets another car it will be a lot easier so we can at least meet halfway on certain occasions. I wasn't very good at the ice skating thing so I suggested we try something I know (cars) and go to the drag races one night. She's never been so I have to take her to one. The big problem with that is, the closest drag strip is about an hour away in the other direction from where she lives. Of course we always could go swing dancing like you said. I don't know how but she said she'd teach me.

  2. I don't exactly how to go about snagging this girl. I met her online a few months ago and we met about a week afterwards. The date went pretty good but not spectacular by any means. After that we still spoke to each other online. After about a month or so she asked me if I would like to see her skate at her first show (she's a figure skater) and I said Yes. So I went and saw her this past Friday. This time we really hit it off. We've hit it off before on the internet but this was different... I suppose because it was in person. She made it seem like she was interested in me several times throughout the night through some of her actions (such as touching my arm, locking eyes with me as we spoke, and pretty much just acting like she felt really comfortable around me). We skated together after the show but a majority of the time we just sat and talked about everything. As I drove her home we talked about relationships even further and it seems we're both looking for the same thing. She's the type of chick I need and it appears as though I'm the type of guy she's looking for. We have so much in common it's unreal. Not only does she dig old cars (much like I do), she likes a LOT of older music and knows how to swing dance. A very classy gal I must say.


    I guess what I'm getting at is... at times when we chat online she doesn't seem very active in the conversation. It's not as though she's doing something else, just more along the lines of keeping her answers limited to Yes and No. She doesn't exactly go out of her way to give messages explaining whatever we're talking about. It kind of makes me wonder if she's truly interested in talking to me. She isn't always like this though, just quite a bit of the time. Should I bring this up to her? Would she find it insulting for me to bring something such as this up... or would she possibly find it a bit "clingy"? She called me the Sunday before the Friday we went out and the conversation was a bit dead at times. Perhaps she's more active and talkative in person. I know I prefer to see the person in person when we speak but I still try to make the best out of our online conversations.

  3. I agree with RouterX whole heartedly. I've ruined a couple of friendships with gals because I was interested in them yet they were interested in someone else. Sadly I came on too strong and that pushed them away. Now we don't even talke anymore! Do you want this to happen with this chick? ... *shakes head* I didn't think so. Stay friends with her but like Router said do not make her your goal. It will only put a damper on the friendship. Play it cool with her and see what comes out of the friendship. You never know!

  4. I'd deffinately say she digs you man. She gave you her number without your asking. She called you at 3am. That says something right there. Plus the fact that she isn't bringing any of her friends. She obviously feels comfortable enough to spend some one on one time with you and only you. Even if she did bring some friends though that wouldn't mean she doesn't like you. Just see how the date goes! Have fun with this gal!


    As far as conversation tips go... ask her what some of her interests are and play off of that. If she's in school ask her what she's majoring in. Ask her where she works. Ask questions regarding her and her life. She'll dig that you're interested.

  5. Howdy ladies and gentlemen! I propose to you all another question regarding this girl Marie whom some of you probably read about in my last post. link removed


    Should I call her? The last time we spoke was last Wednesday... she told me to call her the next day and I did but got no response. I called her Friday and left a message saying that if she wants to do anything just to give me a call. She never did. Should I call her or should I just wait? I finally got a cell phone yesterday (hurray! My first ever!) so I was thinking about giving her that number.


    I have another girl involved in my life right now. In fact, we're going out this Friday... but do you all think that I should just let it be with Marie and focus my attention on this other girl?

  6. She more than likely feels comfortable around you, hence sitting close to you like you said. Tell me this though, when your leg and her foot touched did you see her reaction? Did she look at your or anything or was she still involved with her work.


    More than likely I'm afraid she isn't interested. I know the truth hurts but it's better than wasting your time isn't it? My suggestion is ask her if she wants to go do something with you. Make it something casual and not as if you're exactly asking her out on a date. Sometime when you two are talking bring up that you need to go do something and ask if she'd like to join you. Who knows what might come out of the friendship.


    Tell me this... what makes you think you are ugly? Seriously now... perhaps it's your low self esteem that may not be getting you anywhere with this gal. I've learned from experience that, that is a major turnouff for girls. Chicks don't always go after the good looking guys. Look around at couples you see at the mall or school or wherever else. As The Temptations said, "Beauty's Only Skin Deep".

  7. Shoot, you guys made me feel better already. lol

    I do intend to stick with her... or at least try to. I'm the type of guy where, if I dig a chick a lot I'm interested in her only. Of course it's a great thing but a terribly bad thing at the same time. I suppose the reasons why are pretty obvious.


    One thing that does have me wondering though is when we last spoke on the phone she asked if I talk to Lisa a lot. I said "No, only occasionally" and then she replied by saying something like "Well if you ever get tired of talking to me you can talk to her." Those weren't her exact words but they were similar. What the heck does that mean guys? My response was "I don't know how that could happen but... ... ok."


    I haven't told her that it bothers me that she doesn't call me back. I'm just afraid it will sound like I'm obsessive or something like that. I guess I'm always afraid of making my attraction way too obvious. With her though it's been kind of mixed. I've kind of let her know by flirting with her and such but at times I'm afraid to make it too obvious; fear of rejection I guess?

  8. Alright ladies and gentlemen. This might be a tad bit long but it's bugging me to no extent. It's kind of confusing as well but don't let that scare you from reading it! I need your help!


    It all begins a quite a few months back when me and some friends went out to eat. My friend Lisa introduced me to her friend Marie. We hit it off pretty well that night. We made eye contact several times and smiled. I was making her laugh quite often too. After we ate, we all went to the park and just hung out. Her and I actually got into a kind of deep conversation regarding many different things.


    Alright, now fast forward about a month or two ahead. I see Lisa at a party and she tells me her friend Marie thought I was really nice and wanted to get my number. I give it to her to give to Marie and about a week after that, Marie calls. I never got the message however until a few days after and she never called back. Ok, now about a month later I see Marie at another party. We talk a bit but it wasn't anything special. As she is leaving I tell her bye and to call me... yet she never does.


    BUT maybe two weeks after that Lisa calls me and tells me that Marie wanted to know if it would be alright if she called me. I told her of course. So last Friday Marie calls me. We hit it off really good... so good in fact that I ask her out for that night. Mainly because she was giving hints that she wanted to do something. We go out and shoot pool. On Saturday I had a going away party for my friend Isaac. She came over and we're playing cards together... just her and I. We're constantly making eye contact, smiling with one another, laughing and kind of touching hands as we hand the cards to one another. I called her on Sunday and we talked for a bit. I called her again Tuesday and left a message. She called me back Wednesday and we had an extremely wonderful conversation. I told her to call me tomorrow (Thursday) but she said "No, you call me". Sooo I call her and leave a message. She doesn't call back. I called her Friday and left another message saying that if she wants to do something that night just call me back. Lo and behold I never get a call.


    What does this sound like to you guys? She's always mentioning things she wants to do and saying that WE should go try them. That's an obvious sign right there is it not? Am I just sweating this too much? She's always cheerful sounding when we talk over the phone, like she's glad to be talking to me and not like I'm wasting her time or anything of that sort. She doesn't strike me as the kind of person to be rude and not return the call of someone she's possibly interested in. Heck, she doesn't drink, or cuss and she's pretty religious.


    Anyone's advice on this problem will be extremely welcome! My buddy who I usually go to for advice on these sorts of issues joined the Air Force last Monday. I apologize for it being so long but I figured the best assumptions on what is going on would be more accurate if the entire story was told.

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