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Posts posted by Silverbirch

  1. Bob Hare was actually in one of the documentaries I watched!


    The book is good. Also, if you are interested in psychopathy, he recommrnded Ann Rules true crime books. The most chilling one is her book on Ted Bundy. She actually knew him personally before anyone suspected he was a serial killer. I could hardly put the book down until I finished it.

  2. I save all of my old dressing gowns rather than throw them out. For most cats and dogs, it will he very comforting for them as be dding. I have also found my cats favourite bed is q cardboard box. Thats the cleanest too as I just replave them regularly.

  3. Reinvent, this might help your cat. I havent used it, but my son used it on his Burmese XSiamese cat with excellent results. I thought about using it, but Im fairly certain, and from what vet said that due to my cats age, she either has diabetes or thyroid disease or both. She eats non-stop because of it.


    Really, I think you should try this.

    https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/feliway-diffuser?iv_=__iv_p_1_a_1493304239_g_57983963912_w_kwd-372573748757_h_9072020_ii__d_m_v__n_g_c_285425041111_k_feliway diffuser for cats_m_e_l__t__e__r_1t1_x__y__f__o__z__i__j__s__vi__&gclid=CjwKCAjw_b3cBRByEiwAdG8WqlYCftWGFi5Tuv1esWIz7YexGUlBkJBQgSFopUK-cMfPU47s33m6PRoC1JQQAvD_BwE

  4. Reinvent, I have an elderly cat who is at least 18 years old. She started doing the peeing thing a couple years ago, and vet said it is related to her age. He did say that it is most common when they are sleeping and thst there is medication which fixes it. Because its so difficult to get tablets into my cat, I dont give them. Sadly, I cant have her in rooms where there is carpet. She sleeps in rhe uncarpeted laundry and is outside during the day. Regarding the hiding in cupboarfs, that may relate to her not having

























    a feline companion if she was used to having one for many years.



    But I do spend most weekends at SL's and I had one of my worst flare ups while on vacation 5 hours away.


    It's frustrating to not be able to figure out any pattern. Even more confusing when I read that you can have a reaction as much as five days after exposure. At this point I am exhausted trying solve this puzzle.




    One Dr told me it took forever for one of his patients to find she was allergic to the yellow dye in her daily thyroid medication. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now she take two half dose pink pills.


    I hope you feel a lot better soon.


    I was watching a womans channel last night and the speaker was saying that women should only use WHITE cotton washers on their vajyjys when bathing because they can absorb small amounts of dye into the vajyjy from colered washers. Makes sense as my washers all fade.








    We obviously can help a lot of what we ate exposed to.

  6. Ive had to deal with this a long time ago, and it is an adjustment. My case was a bit different to yours in that my son was 16, and decided that he was going to live with his father where there were no rules. I wasnt ready for him to go and worried a lot about him. Thankfully, by age 30, I can honestly say he has turned out very well. He was so good to me recently when I lost my close friend. Hes doing well in every area of his life.


    I totally get the dating thing. I didnt think I would ever meet anyone I would want to be with again, but I have, and right now Im happy. It seems like society has changed somewhat with regard to mature-aged people and dating. I think if you meet someone who you feel is right for you, its actually better than when you are young. I didnt expect also that I would meet someone where attraction and sex would be the best of my life either. Of course, other things ate much better as well.


    Go for it Lum. Know and find exactly what you want in a man, and dont settle for less


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