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Posts posted by HotMami4U

  1. Thanxs for the advice but he's the type of person that when u confront him about something he wants to act like he's mister macho man but u know what I will try and do what u said and see what happens. I'm not afraid of him leaving it's just the fear of raising my kids on my own even though their are many single women out their raising their kids.

  2. HI


    I've been in a relationship for 6ys have 3 beautiful kids, 2 kids from a previous relationship and 1 with my fiance that I'm with now.


    My problem is that for the years that we have been together there has been a lot of ups & downs like in any other relationship.


    But for the past 2 yrs it's been real hard because I've caught him cheating on me and he has admitted to the cheating and I've packed and left him for a couple of weeks and he has promised that he will change and that it won't happen again and I've believed him and return home.


    But when I do return things are good for a couple of days and he goes back to doing the same thing over again.


    So I don't trust him at all even though I try 2 but it's so hard and he feels the same way about me that he can't trust me. The reason I say he doesn't trust me is because he found out that I met someone on the internet and we've been talking on the phone but just as friends and that just happen a couple of months ago but he says it's longer than that, so what he does when he comes home from work or wherever he's been at is check my emails and check my phones calls. But I don't really care because there is nothing going on between me & this person.


    Just this morning he went 2 go and take a shower and I usually check his phone 2 see who's he called and when I checked his pants pocket I found a letter from a girl that he's been in a relationship for the past 2 years and she lives all the way in england and he's made so many promises 2 her telling her that he loves her and that they are going 2 have a baby together and that they are going 2 move in together and she just recently found out about me and she's really upset at the whole situation. She has come into my home without me being around and she knows all of my business. So I would like to know if I should confront him about this letter or what should I do because 2 tell u the truth I've about had enough of the lying & cheating business. So If anyone can give me any advice but just don't tell me 2 leave him because remember it's been 6yrs and it's hard 4 me 2 let go and start all over again and I don't want 2 raise my kids without a father figure around and he's been in my other 2 kids life since they've been very small. So any advice just let me know.

  3. I think that u shouldn't stop talking or lose contact with him because if u say that he doesn't have any family around u should be the one around him regardless of what has happen between u guys because u guys can still be good friends no matter what. So my advice 2 u is continue talking 2 him and be a good friend 2 him and hey u never know things might change and u guys might get back together u never know.

  4. Hi

    I'm new here and reading this post I can say that I'm in the same situation as you because I've been in a relationship for the past 6 yrs and for the past couple of months I've been sleeping with my fiances friend and I knew that this was bound to happen one day because we both have feelings for each other and he sees that me and my fiance have had a lot of ups & downs. The funny thing about it is that we have slept with each other a couple of times and it's like we can't get enough of each other, but don't get me wrong I do love my fiance it's just that he's not doing what he suppose 2 be doing for me right now and his friend is doing at the present time. This is how I feel right now

  5. I've been with my boyfriend for 6yrs now and we are engaged 2 be married but throught out the years things have changed in our relationship. In the past 2 yrs I have found out that he has cheated on me and I know the girls he has cheated with 2 make the story short. Ever since I found out that I have thought about cheating on him but never did until just a couple of months my mom came 2 visit and she saw that me & my fiances friend are real close and we play & joke around with each other. So I came and I told my fiances friend what my mom had said and he told me that he had feelings for me and I told him that I felt the same way. So 4 the past of couple of months we have been sleeping with each other and it's like we can't get enough of each other and I sometimes feel guilty. But then again I don't feel bad because he has done the same 2 me and he continues doing it.

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