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Posts posted by ihatedrama

  1. Day 2


    The day just started and sadly you were the first one appeared to be in my mind when I open my eyes this morning. I can't even believe why I am still in love with you when you lied to me the whole time about you having a fiance and treated me like * * * * at the end. Love is certainly blind. I had those huge urge to let her know that you cheated on her again. But I stayed strong and kicked the ideas out of my head. I know she is the love of your life and I don't want to hurt you by * * * * ing up your relationship. Stupid me. Gladly you are heading back for the christmas soon..I guess after one month away from here with her...things will be easier for me. I am living day by day and I know I will get over this.

  2. Day 2 & 3


    In a deep hole. That's how I've been feeling the last couple of days. I keep telling myself time will heal my wounds and I'll move on like I always do. But it's just almost unbearable the last couple days.


    In the mornings, I wake up missing you. Which then leads me to figuring out ways to get back to you. Finding excuses to see you one more time. I just want to run away. Leave my current life and start somewhere new - somewhere I will never have to see you again. Somewhere I won't be reminded of you by everything in this city.


    I love you so much and I know we both don't have negative feelings towards each other. I tried to find some reasons to hate you - it's really hard to. I wish you the very best and hope you are doing ok.



    I feel exactly the same way. The only thing has been in my mind is to run to somewhere and start over. i has been a bit more than two weeks and i broke the NC two days ago..Now i am in a situation i cant decide whehter i want to see him again to get hurt all over or i just go back to NC..feeling hurt..indeed

  3. Day 13


    I didn't really count for the last couple days. I tried to spend most of time with my friends and I felt ok. Once in a while I really wanted to contact him but I managed not to. I will head out of town for 5 days starts from 31st. So I guess it is a good thing. Well..my birthday will come soon..I bet that day I won't feel ok..let us see. Just kinda of live day by day now.

  4. Day 11


    I attent one of my best friends' wedding last night and I broke down during the half of it. I just rushed outside and started to crying. I so wanted to contact him but I stopped myself since I knew I would only get his cold words. Or worst he wouldnt even bother to answer my call since he has a new girl now. It hurts like hell just the simple fact that I am suffering so much here while he is already having his new life. I am doing my best to keep my chin up each day. But at some point I just collapse...It makes me scared to think about it..I am just so terrified whether I will get better again!

  5. Have I ever crossed your mind?Even just for a second?

    Have you ever thought about me when you are so happy with her?

    I am going through so much pain that I will never want to go through again in my life.

    I don't want to hate you even after so many horrible things you did to me.

    I know you will never come back and I hate myself so much for still wishing you will be back...

  6. Day 6


    Well..good to feel today is almost over for me. And tomorrow need basically work the whole day..So I guess it will be easier a bit. I still constantly think about him and it makes me sad everytime I picture him with his girlfriend. I cant stop wondering whether I actually cross him mind sometimes..sigh..it hurts as hell to think we will never speak or see each again...

  7. Day 4


    It is really difficult since I think about him all the time throughout the day. It was a messy break up (Together for 8 months and lived together for like half a year, at the end I caught him with another girl. Went throw abortion alone and dramatic break up). I told him on the phone on Tuesday that i need stop talking with him for a while to get better. I told him not to call,text me for a month then let us see what will happen. Honestly my gut feeling tells me he won't contact me even after a month since he is so happy with the new girl now. I am trying to force myself to move on even it is really difficult. Time seems go so freaking slow..and i am counting on day by day, hopefully it will get better...

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