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Everything posted by billy

  1. This is my first post, i just found this site and figured i might be able to get help here. I used to have a decent sex life, i would last for about 1-2 hours in sex before i was done... Sex was never boring for me or my partners but then i took a vow of celibacy from sexual activety.. it has been 6 years.. Now when i masturbate, it takes like sometimes (no lie) 15 - 20 seconds for me to be done!! ... WHAT THE $#$#$ is going on? It is almost like when the shower turns on, im taking out my cigarretts. It seems that the more i do it , the quicker it happens , My next sex partner will just about fall off teh bed laughing if this ends up happening.. Serisously, anyone know what i can do to get back in the SWANG of things? without having sex again all the time? .... i am looking for some advice, or mabye sympathy... advice would be more appreciated however! THank You
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