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Posts posted by doratheexplorer

  1. For the last 5 months this is what happened to my boyfriend. His car got stolen, his cell phone bill is currently $1500 because of mom mistake and she refuse to pay. His house got robbed, he's around $1000 in debt to his family because he's the only one that pays for the rent. He's about to lose his job, 8 of his close friends are becoming enemies. School's going down the drain for him and our relationship is struggling. Plus, he also have major family problems. Just imagine all of thise happening to you. Is there anything I can do? I believe in supersitions in getting good luck. Do you guys know any? Sorry I just in need and Im willing to try anything.

  2. i have a bf for 6 months already. this guy LOVES me!! i mean he'll do anything for me, NOT KIDDING!!! and you dont find guys like everyday. BUT i have a HUGE problem. i am a bi-sexual girl and my bf knows that. he has no problem with me being a bi (see how much he loves me!!) I have liked this one girl for almost 5 years!! and my bf doesnt know that. I'm planning to tell him about it because i feel like im the unhonest one in the relationship. its just this feeling that's bugging me! i much more interest in this girl than my bf (he doesnt know who she is), but im planning to tell him that. could PLEASE help me break the news to him?? i wnat to do it in a GENTLY way without hurting him too much, but of course it'll hurt him and i would really want to keep him too. HELP!

  3. Im a bi- sexual girl and I have like this girl for 5 years, in a couple of months will be 6 years. The girl that I like have a boyfriend for 2 years and a couple of months. She jokes around being gay and everything. But my friends told me she was only "joking" Why would you joke around being gay?? Am I right?? Unless YOU ARE...Well this year is my last year at high school and I was hoping to tell her how I feel. Should I tell her how I feel? But if I do, will she be scared of me and freaked out..please please help!! What should I do??

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