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Posts posted by Confusing

  1. A friend has been trying to fix me up with a friend of his. The three of us got together yesterday and although he seems like a nice guy/good personality there wasn't much of a spark on my part. My friend left me a message saying this guy is interested in pursuing this and he is going to give him my contact info.


    The problem: I'm not all that interested in him. He seems like a cool guy, but no one I'd normally date. I feel bad if I don't give it a chance, but what's worse going out with him and then saying "lets be friends" or nipping it in the bud now?


    Any thoughts? what do you do when you meet someone really sweet, but who isn't your "type" physically (no he's not ugly, but I don't think all that cute either) I have to call my friend back because he ants to know how I thought things went. What's a tactful way of saying he seems nice, but I'm not sure I'm interested?

  2. OK so I'm meeting a "blind date" for lunch. I don't know much about this guy, but I know he is a vegetarian. Does this mean I have to order a vegetable entree? I'm sure there is something veg I can get, but I kind of prefer one of the chicken entrees from the restuarant we are going to. Don't want to offend/step on any toes though


    What should I do? Play it safe and order something veggie?

  3. OK so I've been without a boyfriend for a while now. An aquantance of mine asked if I was seeing anyone. I said no and he said he thought I might like one of his coworkers and asked if I'd be interested in meeting him. He told me to think about it and let him know.


    I thought it over for a week, considered all the blind date horror stories I've heard and decided why not...I have nothing to lose. I told my friend to put this guy in touch with me and NOW I'm nervous.


    My friend hasn't given me much of a physical description and I hate to sound shallow, but I'm worried about what this guy will look like or if we will have anything in common or if it will just be a huge disaster.


    Anyone ever been on a blind date? Any tips? advice? success stories? nightmares?

  4. Sounds tough. I don't know how old you are, but it seems like you are in high school. I'd suggest talking to somone in your guidance councilor's office. Your school has people on staff or available on an "as needed basis" for teen crisis prevention/intervention.


    If your friend is slitting her wrists, saying she feels "unloved" and binge drinking with the "wrong crowd" she is making a cry for help. There isn't anything you can say or do that's going to make her feel differently. You can tell her how great she is and that you love her a thousand times, but if she still FEELS unloved she's going to continue on this self destructive path. There isn't anything you can do to convince her otherwise until she recognizes her behavior is self destructive and gets help for her problems.


    You should tell someone trained to handle this type of situation and who is able to get your friend the kind of help she needs. Even though you are doing it out of love your friend, she may feel betrayed so make sure you tell the guidance dept that everything is being said in confidenec because you are genuinely worried about a friend and think she needs their help. Also be sure to give them the whole story (don't leave out any details) and make sure you tell them about the strained relationship between your friend and her mom otherwise they'll probably call her parents, which could make matters worse.


    Good luck with everything. Hope you and your friend are both feeling better real soon.

  5. It's not a question of whether she is busy. I know she's busy. I don't expect to get a call or email from her every day or even week, BUT how long would it really take her to type 2 or 3 sentences to acknowledge me and say "thank you."


    I don't expect much from her, other than maybe an email or call or something once every few months with something as simple as "the site looks good" or "thanks again for your hard work" or even "can you add/change this on my website." Some sort of communication with her would make me feel a lot more appreciated and a lot less self conscious about whether I'm doing all of this for someone who isn't interested in knowing me or doesn't appreciate my time and effort. It would be different if she was paying me for this. Then I wouldn't expect her to be all buddy buddy, but I'm doing all of it for free because I wanted to help her out.


    I'm trying not to take it personally, but I can't help it.


    Anyone else have any opinions on this? What should I do? Should I say something to someone? if so who and what?

  6. When I first read your message I didn't see anything wrong with your funnelling your frustration into your website. I have a few websites of my own and know that web design can be an interesting learning experience and can provide a creative distraction from every day stresses.


    Then I looked at you site....

    I think you've become a little obsessed with the "noise" in your neighborhood. I looked at the "annoyances" section of your site and you've posted MP3s nearly every 2 days of common sounds like "distant train" and "airplanes overhead" That's a bit much. These noises are commonplace in any community. I think you may be focusing too much of your energies on the noise level on your street. It isn't healthy to sit around all day recording noises, being hyper critical of any noise you hear and reporting it on your website.


    If you like web design, I'd suggest creating another website where the focus isn't noise. Maybe make a site about your family, like a family photo album, or a fan site for a television show and music group you enjoy. Or pick up another hobby.


    Once you start putting your energies into things other than obssessing about your neighbors or the noise in your community, I think you'll find the "noise" isn't as much of an annoyance as you are making it.

  7. I haven't heard from some friends since a family gathering where they acted very distant. One of them is having a birthday soon. I planned to send her a bday card with some pictures I want her to have. I was wonderingif it would it be inappropriate to address our lost communication in the bday card? I was thinking of writting a little "happy birthday" wish on the card, including the pictures and a separate note asking "what's going on, why haven't I heard from you."


    Good idea, bad idea?

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