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Posts posted by PKNY

  1. I made it through today. I hate the fact that I have to pass by your house every time I drive down my street. I hate the fact that I could see you walking around campus any day and I hate the fact that we have so many mutual friends. I wish I could just walk over to your house and curl up in bed next to you like I used too. I miss all those tiny things we shared together. I hate still finding traces of you everywhere I look. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over you while I'm still here and even after I move on ever * * * * ing part of NYC reminds me of you, every train line reminds me of somewhere we lived together or a moment we shared. It seems crazy that such a huge place is tied so intimately to one person. When we were together that was something beyond wonderful, but now I'm not sure how I'll be able to get past it.

  2. Other than a terse response to an email she sent me, this is something like day 40 of NC. Still sucks, yesterday I had an incredible urge to contact her all day. I know I'm going to run into her tonight, and I'll try to act somewhat aloof, I hope it doesn't ruin the progress I've made this far.

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