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Posts posted by chelzc

  1. I do not think you can link sex to a conversation, but what you are getting at is the very question I am asking.... What can you compare sex to? Is there something out there, some way that we as human beings relate that is a good descriptor?


    I think sex is impossible to describe accurately, especially in this context -to compare it to anything.


    I have never had sex with a stranger. I have had incredible conversations with strangers, but nothing that would equate to the climax of fluid and emotions generated by sex. I think some people, like myself, would feel stiffled and fearful of the idea of being so intimate with a stranger. However, I would tell a stranger my life story and likewise listen.

  2. A friend of mine compared sex to a good conversation - stating its better with someone you know well.


    I disagreed. I believe strangers can have amazing conversations, and only mediocre sex.


    I prefer this analogy.


    I have come to the conclusion that sex is like Pinot Noir; with time, it develops complexity. The taste rushes its full-bodied thrill and sets the senses on fire. So many characteristics are fluid at once that the palate is awakened by desire for more.


    What do you think?

  3. So, he cheated on you while you were with him and did not tell you about it until what I am assuming is much, much later. He was fickle - never knew what he wanted, went on dates with other girls... still called you... and now that you put your heart on the line - he says he wants to make it work into a long term commitment?


    Hrmm... doesn't sound promising to me. I understand why you are happy that he still wants to be a part of your life... but I would soul search on this one. He is obviously very secretive and indecisive. Marriage takes partners that can communicate and be loyal.


    Follow your heart, but use your head on this one. You have always known what you have wanted, why hasn't he? Consider the reasons why he has acted the way he has in the past. Is he insecure, ego ridden, does he have issues with getting to close, etc? Do you think he is a changed man? Are you prepared to go through all of this again in 2 years, 5 years or 10 years? If you know the risks and still think he is the one... go for it, but protect your heart.

  4. Less than a week ago my boyfriend (ex now) came to see me and broke up with me. We had been together almost two years... helplessly in love or so I thought... I just moved to a new town almost 5 hours away from him. We agreed to have a long distance relationship for 4 1/2 months until he could move with me. I think he felt unresolved about why I would leave... we lived together for a year before I moved.


    I moved for school and for a new job. I love him dearly. Everything went fine for about the first week. He helped me move down to my new location. When he left he told me that it would only be 4 1/2 months and then we would be together for the rest of our lives. He called me everyday and told me he loved me for about a week.


    Then we got in a fight about a girl he had being hanging out with. Months prior, this "friend" from work of his came over and starting hitting on him. He was drunk and is niave when it comes to womens intentions. He always sees the good in people. Anyway, at this get together at my house, we were all drinking and she was rubbing his neck and just giving him adoring looks. She even had the nerve to tell one of my friends that she thought he was really good looking. I was hanging out with my friend Matt outside. I did not really know how to handle the situation, as I was drunk myself, but I went back inside and he was passed out on our bed. Who was lying next to him? HER. She was. He was out of it and so was she, but who in the hell did she think she was. What nerve? I was being dumb too... I should have told her off. I didn't. She eventually left and the next day appologized to my boyfriend for hitting on him. Manipulative GIRL! Uhhhh...


    Anywayz, months went on before I moved. Her phone # remained in his phone and she txt messaged him a few times. He said he was sorry about what happened and that he was telling her how much he was in love with me all night. He did not know how she got the wrong idea. He and I agreed that it sucked for her that she screwed up the possiblity of a friendship with him by disrespecting our relationship.


    So, I moved and a week after I was gone, my boyfriend called me and said, "I have a confession to make." He said that he went out to dinner with the girl from his work that had hit on him that night. At first I was like that's ok. And then I thought about it and got angry. He wasn't respecting our relationship or the boundaries of common decency. I got angry and told him on the phone I thought he was being dumb and that if he wanted to be with me, he had to start acting like it. He got angry, told me he had to go and I continued to talk because I wanted to come to some resolution. He got angry and I got the point and said goodbye.


    The next time I talked to him he was upset and said he felt sick and upset, angry with me for leaving and resentful that I would leave him. I told him that I was sorry and that I thought that he had a lot of pain to deal with from his last relationship (she cheated on him with friend after going off to college and his mother (poned him off to grandparents and started new marriage with new kids.) He got upset, but still wanted to come see me like we had planned 10 days prior.


    When he got to my place, he had so much pain in his eyes and seemed very distant. I bought him flowers, a card and offered to make him dinner. I told him I thought we needed to talk and all he wanted to do was put it off. We ended up messing around and then he had a sad look in his eyes like something was very, very wrong. He went to sleep shortly after that and neither of us slept the whole night. In the morning, I started crying, begging to know what was going on. He said that he thought he needed "some space," as if there already wasn't enough space. I asked him what that meant and he told me he did not know. He said he felt angry with me and that it was just better this way before I hurt him or he hurt me. He said he cannot have commitment right now. He said he does not want to see eachother. He said he has never been alone and needs to be now. He said he can't marry someone that would leave him. He said that he fears I will cheat on him down the road if I have never experience anyone else sexually. I disagreed. He said he feared I would leave him again and that he would never do that to me. He said he is in school right now and HAS to be where he is to finish up he program. He said he doesn't want to hold me back and wants to take care of his parametic program and get settled in life before he has a long term relationship... He has an extreme fear of failure in life and pointed to all of his examples that did not get the kind of jobs they wanted because they gave up and gave in and had families.


    But the thing is, he is the one that has always wanted commitment and has talked about growing old together... he is the one that continually told me he thought I was his soulmate.


    I asked him if he cheated on me and he said that he would never do that. I asked him if there was anyone else.... again he said no. I asked him if he planned on seeing other people and he said, not right now.


    So, I ask, what could have happened in a week to make him be disgusted with me and want to give up the relationship?

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