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Posts posted by No1

  1. I love you C. I miss you so bad and tonight of all nights I wish I could hold you in my arms and hold you tight. You asked me to be your partner in life and in love 14months ago, I said yes and even tho we broke up for you to gather yourself and independence, You still have not asked me not to be your partner in life, just said we cant be together now. I love you with all my heart and every day that goes by my love continues to grow. You are my ONE. I believe in that and one day, I believe you will come back for me as you have before. We were apart for 10months and you came back for me. That day you did was the happiest days of my life hearing from you. I was happy before we dated, but happiest with you.

    I dont know if I can seriously date anyone with the same intensity. Once you have climbed the highest mountain and seen how beautiful life can be. all other mountains are just hills, sure the view is nice, but youll never forget the time you were at the highest point of your life.

    I love you C.. I have to let you go for now, but doesnt mean I let go of hope. I will be here, I am not going anywhere. I miss you and one day we will feel our lips touch again. But not tonight, not on this special night. I will have to wait for you..I love you.

  2. I miss my girl. I miss her when I wake up and I miss her right before I go to sleep. I always considered my girl my gift. she accepted me 100% and I loved her so much. We have tons of little inside jokes, tons of memories and I think my X is the most beautiful girl in the world. I love her and I want to call her every day and say that. But I cant.

    She is on her own path and I have to let her go so that she may find her way back to me. for now, I am on my own and it sucks cause we meshed our lives together so well when she left me, she tore a big part of me and took it with her. And left a huge part of herself here that I still feel and it freaking hurts.

    I love you C.. think of me..

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