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Posts posted by UserLain

  1. When she's not expecting it grab her and throw her into a bed, or push her against a wall. If she tries to protest, slap her and tell her she's a liar because you know she really wants it because she's a s***. Then have your way with her.


    Also, establish safe words.



    Yea, pretty much. But sure, you talk about it first. Then you forget about it. Well, forget -talking- about it. Then one random day...


    Like greywolf said, when she's not expecting it.

  2. I'm just being repetative. But I'm angry at you. I'm angry that you ditched and decided i wasn't worth being anything significant in your life. I don't know how to not care. But goddd I wish I could. I really really realllyyy do. I'm sure there's something I have to do. some way that I have to grow inside that it won't matter to me anymore. I just want to know what it is and DO IT! I can't wait to not care. To oblivious to it all. I can't believe i even developed these feelings either, im pissed that i did cuz we couldve had such a hot thing going on. who knows if we still will, but this just isnt helping. I need to get over this crap. SO bad.

  3. i hate how you ignore me, or rather, how you never initiate conversation and i have to contact you. i dont want to bother anymore. I'm listening to sad 80's english music (smiths etc) and it comforts me to listen, i just want to be sad right now, amd honestly i just want to tell you to F off. you dont really care and im tired of not being cared about. it really makes a person feel like shi*

  4. Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins. I find it really inspiring and it covers an immense amount of ground. Not sure how I'll feel about it's real usefulness yet tho. Anyone have experience with this one? It's a bestseller I hear so I assume some people here have probly read it and used it.

  5. Regina Spektor - Samson "The bible didn't mention us" line always breaks my heart


    David Grey - This Year's Love (his music generally spans from john mayerish stuff to very soft and sweet folk)


    Someone mentioned Morphine, this is "The Night". amazing song (another abstract Bianca Smith vid)


  6. I'll give you a list of my favorite artists and if you could name a couple newer bands or individual musicians who are on par let me know.


    Here it is:


    Bob Dylan

    Leonard Cohen

    Peter Gabriel

    Neil Young

    Elliot Smith



    Aw man, im gonna roll with the folk thing since I'm a modern folk junkie


    Mama Wolf - Devendra Banhart (wild spirited guy, fun music)

    This is an abstract video made by this girl, I think she's a famous model or something



    Diane Cluck -I'm yr here I am (I've yet to hear a song from her that I didn't find powerful and amazing)




    Joan Baez - East Virginia ( Took me a lonngg time to actually appreciate this girl, I found her voice too "uptight sounding" for a long time)


    and I'm not THAT familiar with peter gabriel but If I'm able to relate him to sting, then I do. His music is SO elegant, sophisticated and sexy.

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