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Posts posted by wishfulthinker

  1. okay lets see if this helps-- have you ever thought that theres something behind the eating problem-- do you eat when you are upset or angry--i've been chunky all my life as well- but this last year i just went overboard-- going from 135 lbs to 235 was not nice-- i am down to 195 pounds, but theres still a long road ahead of me-- its nice to receive compliments when you are losing weight-- this keeps me going-- but i think you gotta get to the bottom of this-- maybe theres something in your life which you are unhappy with and thereforeeeee you are taking it out on the food-- i know what my problem was-- my exboyfriend-- wehn i started gaining weight-- he ddin't want to have sex with me anymore-- and thereforeeeee i would eat-- of course i kep on getting bigger and bigger so it just kept on going on and on and on-- it never stopped-- the day it stopped was when i got rid of him--since then i've lost some weight and i am very proud of myself-- i just gotta stick with it and know that in the long run its you that matters- no one else and if you really want this you gotta work hard at it--its not something thats gonna happen over night- it takes time but with a little determination anything and everything is possible-- hope this helps--lot sof luck and any questions..write back-- i have pretty good diet books and exercise routines--wishfulthinker--

  2. ok- well lets see if this helps out--about a year and a half ago-- i used to weigh about 135-- pretty good considering i'm a tall girl-- i had guys after me left and right-- as soon as i got with my boyfriend i started gaining the weight-- i gained more than 100 pounds-- but what i failed to realize was that i was eating due to being unhappy--if i was sad i would eat; if i was angry i would do the same.. and the cycle never stopped-- it got so bad that it got to the point where my boyfriend didn't even want to touch me or have any type of sexual encounter with me.. as a result i would eat .. it was just a cycle, i was eating because i wasn't getting any..soon enough it had to stop-- it did-- just a little while ago. but i feel better, since there is no one there to tell me how unattractive i am... i dont over eat anymore..i started exercising, which you should include in your diet-- believe me this is the key-- and i started watching what i eat-- i'm down to 195-- i know i've still got a long way to go, but i'm sure i'll do it--you just need to get to the bottom of this-- and see what the real problem is-- hope this helps--wishfulthinker

  3. ok..lets see..i think i can help-- well i have the same problem-- the only thing is that i'm the girl-- when i first started dating my boyfriend i weighed 135 then i went up to 235-- yep 100 pounds-- what i pig i am-- well it wasn't that i wanted to gain weight, but it seemed as if i took it out on the food-- all the problems i had i would eat, and that wans't right-- a little after i started gaining the weight-- my boyfriend had a terrible problem with it-- he started saying that i wan't atttractive and it came to the point where he didn't even want to touch me any more-- as a result i started eating and eating more-- thank god i got rid of that loser!!! i am happy now-- i've lost about 40 pounds but i've still got a long way to go-- if u truly love your girlfriend you should sit down and have a talk with her-- tell her that you are there for her if she is having any problems outside of your relationship-- and try to encourage her to join a gym or tell her that you'll work out with her- it'll serve both of you good-- well, good luck and hopefully you'll find some of my words helpful-- if you truly love her, don't focus so much on the weight, but on the person which she is inside- if my exboyfriend would have done this-- things would of been a whole lot different-- and i would have felt way better about myself-- although i must admit i still miss him-- no one deserves to be put down, due to their weight-- -wishfulthinker-

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